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I don’t think anyone would care if I didn’t exist


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I genuinely believe that no one would care if I exist. My parents feel like I’m a disappointment, my friends just like to talk to me when they have a problem or want to screw me over. I always feel so alone even though I’m surrounded by people

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

@Mathgirl hey, let me a person telling you that I care if you exist and I've never 'met' you. Your presence in this world is vital. Sometimes when we are feeling low we can feel this way and while it truly feels very real, it isn't always reflective of how others see you.


What is your support network like in terms of family and friends? Have you spoken to anyone of them about how you are feeling?


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@Blondie My family knows I went to therapy and that I had a lot of self confidence issues. But we don’t actually talk about any of that anymore. And most of my friends don’t want to hear about any of this stuff apart from two. But one is busy all the time (and I don’t feel annoyed by it), and the other one messed with my feelings

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

@Mathgirl hey, maybe try and make plans with the busy friend so that you have something booked in. If you don't feel comfortable chatting to your parents, do you have student support at your school/college?


It might also be a good move to start building up / widening your friendship circle - are there clubs/societies at your school/college?


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  • Ditch the Label Staff

@Mathgirl I honestly know it's tough but you deserve to prioritise your wellbeing. Even if you made room for one club or society it can change your entire outlook and often goes on to make us more productive and energised.


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  • Ditch the Label Staff

@Mathgirl It can truthfully be hard, not every day will be positive so don't feel bad if you have some days / weeks when you struggle. Life rarely (for anyone) just goes smoothly and neatly but it's how we learn to cope and find strategies for the tougher times. Try and focus on the stuff that you do well, even at the beginning that's: "I got up today, showered and got to class". Focus less on the negative stuff and let the next day be fresh.


Are you able to check back in with your therapist? It might be that a few sessions will help, especially as they know you.


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  • Ditch the Label Staff

@Mathgirl In an ideal world - what would you like to see happen for you? What changes would you like to make (if any) so we can work with you to achieve that?


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  • 4 months later...

Hey I know how you feel,believe me been there too actually still there.But they do care about you.I thought that too for like really long and last year after 6 years of struggling with suicide i finnaly told someone about it and they do care you know.Try to talk about someone pls cause then it will get better.Telling and talking to someone about it is half the way to happinnes.I'm always here if you want to talk to me.Life is worth it ,much more than you believe right now.You matter.

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

@Mathgirl @user 123 Thanks so much for opening up with your perspective and lived experience. It's important to understand that it's okay to feel like this and acknowledge it, but to also remember that feelings can change and very low feelings can pass.


We would encourage anyone feeling like this to please reach out to someone if you can and know that even if it doesn’t feel like it right now, you matter and you deserve help to get through this.


A reminder of 24/7 help for anyone that might need it:


UK: The Samaritans - 116 123


USA: NSPL - 1-800-273-8255


This link will give you a list of all crisis lines worldwide: https://www.befrienders.org





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