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Am I genderfluid?

JamieL Β  Β 

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I don't really identify as either gender and I also really like dressing like a dude, whereas other times I like to dress like a chick. There are also times where I act more like a dude and other times when I act like a chick. So does mean that I'm genderfluid or that I'm just a mixture of tomboy and girly-girl?

Edited by JamieL
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Hello Jamie,


It all depends on how you view gender and how you really feel yourself. For me, I can perform my gender as both masculine or feminine and I feel like a woman. But for you it may be different - have you looked into non binary?


The truth is I wouldn't be able to confirm anything for you but it's absolutely natural and normal to be questioning your gender.



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I have a few times but I wasn't sure if I was or not, mainly because I don't really understand what non-binary people are completely.

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Hey @JamieL

Everyone's personal understanding of non-binary may be different but this person is non binary and I think they explain it really well.



Some people that are non-binary use they/them pronouns instead of he/she. and they find that they identify outside of the male/ female binary.



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