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Scared to come out as bi to friends


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I’m fourteen years old and currently am in my freshman year of high school. I am bisexual and have known that for a while, a few people know I am like my parents, sister, ex-best friend and basically all my online friends. I genuinely want to come out to my friends but it’s hard. My friend group is very multicultural and most were raised with the mindset that LGBT people are terrible and disgusting. They voice those opinions a lot, not knowing I’m bi, a recent one I remember is that if they’re kids were gay they would beat them until they’re straight. The people saying those things aren’t my close friends but hearing everyone laugh along, even if they are joking sucks. I’ve considered just posting that I’m bi but don’t know if people would feel hurt I didn’t tell them in person. It overall terrifies me to come out. I really just would love any advice you have. Thanks.

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I guess just don't do anything that will hurt you. Do you have any close friends that would possibly understand or except you? Is there anyone that you trust completely with this information?

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Hello @emily.hlm


Thanks for sharing this with us here. Welcome to our community.


This is exactly what we're here for.. So it sounds like you are out to quite a lot of people in your life already...congratulations!


I'm sorry to hear that some of the people in your friendship group have some problematic views on homosexuality. Could you challenge them about this, I think having healthy debate with friends can be very beneficial. Maybe work on just challenging some opinions first and then come out to them after?



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