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Scared to come out


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Hello there Nicpel,


A big welcome to our community and thank you for sharing this here. Have a read through some of the other threads we have below about coming out to friends and family as other community members have been through similar experiences to you. Also, have a read over these articles as well.





What makes you feel that they won't accept you? Have they ever said anything to make you feel they wouldn't accept you?


Do you have anyone, even if it's just one person that you could tell that would keep it a secret if you needed to that you feel will have a positive reaction? Sometimes its easier to just get one easy win out of the way. @IHATEME1478 gave some good advice on doing this, thanks!


You can also type out what you would like to say here as a practice to prepare you for what to say for the real thing if you would like?





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no problem i have had issues with this i came out to all my friends first as bisexual and then i figured out i was lesbian and told all my friends that i felt comfortable with knowing, i then eventually after a long time told my parents, they accepted me for who i am and now im a very open lesbian seriously like everyone knows, i guess you just have to tell people gradually

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