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What Sexuality Is This?


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Well i am a male and i do not really know what sexuality i am, all i know is that i am attracted to any gender except males with penises, i thought this could be pansexual but i am not entirely sure.

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Hey there @that_random_idiot14 ,


Welcome to Community and thanks for posting this here as it is a question a lot of our community members ask about.


When it comes to labels and our sexuality I always think it's more of a guideline than a whole rule. We are all unique, right, and so how can our sexuality fit into one box, it would be impossible.


If you find that you are interested in a variety of genders, (which is awesome btw!) then I would say that pansexual is a good understanding of your sexuality. I identify as pansexual too but I'm sure my version of pansexual and your version of pansexual would be different, does that make sense?


Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that it is your choice how you want or don't want to identify.


I hope this helps.



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