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How do I come out as bi


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Hey Jessy,


Welcome to community. Thanks for sharing this here, it's a really common worry.


So coming out, it can be such an amazing experience, but it also can be quite scary. Firstly what are your reasons for wanting to come out? There is no rush to do it if you don't feel ready yet but it can definitely be comforting for friends and loved ones to understand something really important about you.



If you do decide that you'd like to come out. Who would you like to come out to? We could practice what you would like to say here first to try it out.


How does that sound?




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Hi, I feel like I keep almost mentioning im

bi because I’ve accepted it fully I think so I want to come out but I’m just nervous I think my friends will be the first to know and I think they will be fine with it but still a tad nerve racking

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Hey Jessy,


It is nerve wracking you are right. I felt the same way when I came out so what you are feeling is completely normal!


What would you say to your friends, would you do it in person or over messages?





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I’m thinking of doing it in person just so I have a bit more control of the situation

I’m going to tell my group of closet friends first and I’ll probably say I hope this doesn’t change anything in our friendship and I hope you can respect me I like boys and girls

do you think that’s ok ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Jessy, and welcome!


Your plan sounds great to me. It is normal to be nervous, this is an important event for you. I am Bisexual as well, and coming out (for me, at least) was easier than I thought. Often times our anxieties/insecurities make us worry more than we should about things. That being said, again it is normal to be nervous.


I would recommend waiting until you are comfortable, or at least not afraid or in actual danger to come out. If you decide to come out, it would be good to come out to close friends first because they may be more understanding and compassionate.


I hope it all turns out, you've got this!



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