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How to deal with teasing


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I was bullied last year and I dealt with it, with the help of my school. Now I’m getting teased by a person in my class. I always try to laugh it off and seem cool about it. But it’s actually killing me inside. I don’t know if I should stand up for myself or just not give a reaction at all. I’m scared that if I stand up for myself it will only make things worse and it will end up escalating. I’m anxious and I don’t know what to do.

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Hello Peyaa,


Welcome to our community and thanks for being brave enough to share your experience with ongoing bullying with us.


I am so sorry that you are experiencing bullying and it’s understandable that it is making you anxious. It sounds like it is really affecting you, which is horrible. I want you to know that none of this is your fault and that you haven’t done anything wrong. I think you should stand up for yourself by telling someone. Do you have A teacher that you like? Or a welfare and support staff member that you feel as though you trust? I would recommend telling them that this is occuring. You have a right to go into school and feel safe and happy and they will be committed to making this happen for you too.


Although retaliation feels like it would be a good idea it may escalate the situation - especially reacting in an aggressive manner could make the situation worse and even put you at risk of physical harm. You could try talking to the person who is teasing you and letting them know their actions or words are upsetting you. It would be helpful if this conversation could be mediated by someone from your school.


I would give this article a read as it talks about common things I know you may want to do when you’ve experienced bullying as it sucks but these reactions are not helpful so I hope this article helps point you in the right direction. https://www.ditchthelabel.org/7-thin...being-bullied/


Please keep us updated on how things are going at school for you.



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The bullying that happened to me ended when I told the school curator about everything and the schools anti bullying team got involved and the problem got solved. But in the beginning of this school year a friend of mine told me that they heard my past bullies talking to the person who is now teasing about what have happened between me and them. When I finally thought that it was all over they brought it all up again. The person who is teasing me is a person in my class and i have always thought of him as a toxic and kind of a bully himself. Ever since he have known about everything he has been trying to get a reaction from me and every time he does that I get really anxious and stressed. I’m scared that he will continue the teasing and that it will escalate to the same level as it did in the past. In the past I never hesitated to stand up for myself but it seemed as the bullies liked it and continued. Now I don’t know what do to. It sometimes feels like I’m just sensitive but I can’t get over the fact that he knows everything that happened to me and it feels like he’s just trying to fool with me and humiliate me. I don’t want to go through the same thing again. I’m so anxious about it.

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Hey again Peyaa,


Having to relive a painful time in your life must be really unpleasant. I can see your school has a dedicated team that works to prevent bullying and from what you’ve said, they seemed to be successful in dealing with this last time it occurred in school - how would you feel about going to them again and reporting before it escalates? If this is something you wouldn't like to do again, I completely understand so well done for telling us it's going on.


I think you have a right to be sensitive around this subject as last time it clearly took a lot out of you and you are fearful of it getting that bad again. But what your school will hopefully be able to do is mediate between you and the other student and come to a mutual understanding and help you rebuild the relationship and move forward. Our past is something that sometimes no matter how hard we try to bury it, it will always find a way to the surface. What I think will be empowering for you, Peyaa is to get in front of the narrative and own the story - you will not be able to change if and how other people find out in the future - all you will be able to control is your reaction.


Make sure you share with someone at school soon, I really think the sooner you can tell someone, the sooner you will be able to move forward and be happier at school.



Edited by Remi

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