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My friend had me print invites to her birthday party that I'm not invited to

Arbor_Day ย  ย 

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I have a friend, A, who I am FIERCLY protective of. I've printed things for her in the past (I have a laser printer while she only has an ink printer) so when she said, "I want to ask you to print something for me but I'm scared you'll be mad," Of course, I assured her it was no worry. She said that the party was mainly for her dance friends, who she doesn't get to see very often. I'm not really into parties, so I was happy to support her by creating invites. However, then I found out that S was invited. That's okay though, they live in the same neighborhood and spend every day together, so obviously he'd go. Then, I found out that B was invited. We HATE B, or so I thought. She'd confided in me about how wretched B is and I'd done the same. By the time I figured this out it was too late to back down. Today, she handed out the invites, and it seems like everyone BUT me was invited. I know I don't like parties but she could've offered? And why did she lie? Am I in the right to be mad? Do I just keep being friends with her? I'm so lost.

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Heyy @Arbor_Day, ย I am Luie, one of the support mentors with Ditch the Label. I see that you're new to our platform and I wanted to say a massive welcome! Super awesome having you join our community. You can start conversations like this or even join other topics on the forums option. We also offer one to one support if you'd prefer that, if you click on 'Confidential Support' in the top bar next to blogs, you can send a request and one of the support mentors will get back to you.ย 

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On 4/12/2024 at 5:13 PM, Arbor_Day said:

I have a friend, A, who I am FIERCLY protective of. I've printed things for her in the past (I have a laser printer while she only has an ink printer) so when she said, "I want to ask you to print something for me but I'm scared you'll be mad," Of course, I assured her it was no worry. She said that the party was mainly for her dance friends, who she doesn't get to see very often. I'm not really into parties, so I was happy to support her by creating invites. However, then I found out that S was invited. That's okay though, they live in the same neighborhood and spend every day together, so obviously he'd go. Then, I found out that B was invited. We HATE B, or so I thought. She'd confided in me about how wretched B is and I'd done the same. By the time I figured this out it was too late to back down. Today, she handed out the invites, and it seems like everyone BUT me was invited. I know I don't like parties but she could've offered? And why did she lie? Am I in the right to be mad? Do I just keep being friends with her? I'm so lost.


It sounds to me like you're going through a tough time right now, and it's completely understandable to feel hurt and confused by what happened. It's natural to want to protect and support your friends, especially when you've gone out of your way to help them, like printing invites for a party. Discovering that you weren't invited while others were can definitely sting, especially if you've been there for your friend in the past. It's important to acknowledge those feelings and give yourself space to process them. I totally see why this would suck.ย 

It's also okay to have questions about why things unfolded the way they did. I was wondering have you had a chance to talk to your friend about how you're feeling?ย In my experience open communication can often provide clarity and help rebuild trust in friendships. Additionally, understanding their perspective might shed light on why they made certain choices. How does this sound to you?

And hey, it's totally okay to take some time to evaluate your feelings and decide what's best for you moving forward. Friendship just like any relationship can be complex, know that you aren't alone in this and that I am here to help you navigate itย ๐Ÿ™‚



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