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How could I fix this?


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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Self-Harm

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Life is doing okay. I met someone who has really changed my life and turned it around we've been together for 4 months now and i am so proud of how far we've gotten. Everyday is a new day for us. But recently I've been feeling down like i'm letting a lot of people down. My friend ******* un-added me on snap chat for some reason but not my friend key. If they didn't get introduced to each other by me she wouldn't have been telling him everything rather than me. It made me very upset. I ended up self harming, it looked like I got scratched by a cat multiple times, nothing too bad. She still has not added me back and I don't know why she did in the first place.  I don't know how to solve this. What could help this situation and how do I talk to her. I've tried telling about how I feel, she doesn't understand though.

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  • Digital Mentor

Hi @jaiyla. I’m Mestizo one of the Support Mentors with Ditch the Label. I’m sorry to hear that your friend has chosen to un-add you on snap chat. Clearly you felt hurt by this to the point that you self-harmed. Although the wounds may not be too bad as a result of the self-harming I am worried that this felt like the best way to deal with your pain. If you are open and willing, would you be okay to explore alternative ways to managing pain and challenges other than self-harming? If you prefer to have this conversation privately the best way to do so would be using confidential support, which you can find here: https://forums.ditchthelabel.org/support

Regarding your question as to what you might be able to do about this situation, I did have a few questions that might be helpful to know to provide you with some potential suggestions. Is it correct to assume that this friend that un-added you is someone you see in person regularly or semi-regularly? Has this friend mentioned anything to you as to why they might be upset with you? Do they act differently towards you when you engage with them in person. Have any of your other friends noticed any difference in this friend’s behavior towards you or them? When you say you’ve tried to tell them how you feel but they don’t understand, can you share what it is that you’ve said to them. What did they say they didn’t understand from your explanation? 

Congratulations by the way on 4 months in your relationship! I’m glad you feel proud of that accomplishment. I’m hoping we can be helpful to you in dealing with this friend situation. 

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