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Regretting decisions i made in life regarding my future career whelp.

Mercury Venus Β  Β 

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I am currently in my first year of college and struggling a lot because it has been almost 6 months and I have witnessed my mental health get worse and worse, to the point where i don't know if the course I'm doing is right for me, and I don't know if I'm going to drop out and run away to Italy, just never be seen of again, change course, do independent learning at home, go to another college, or a school for A-levels and I'm honestly scared. Im very scared i made the wrong choices in my life, and I don't know what to do, because I have two years left of college and then university, but I'm really overwhelmed with life and trying to look after my mental health, so I don't know if i still want to do art, but its the only course i can do, and i don't want to go back to my previous school, and start again and find that I have lost myself and can't study because of all the stuff i went through there. I guess the only thing I do know is that i want to be happy, and move on with my life, but im stuck in this.... void that I can't get out of.Β 

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4 minutes ago, Saint Satan said:

I am currently in my first year of college and struggling a lot because it has been almost 6 months and I have witnessed my mental health get worse and worse, to the point where i don't know if the course I'm doing is right for me, and I don't know if I'm going to drop out and run away to Italy, just never be seen of again, change course, do independent learning at home, go to another college, or a school for A-levels and I'm honestly scared. Im very scared i made the wrong choices in my life, and I don't know what to do, because I have two years left of college and then university, but I'm really overwhelmed with life and trying to look after my mental health, so I don't know if i still want to do art, but its the only course i can do, and i don't want to go back to my previous school, and start again and find that I have lost myself and can't study because of all the stuff i went through there. I guess the only thing I do know is that i want to be happy, and move on with my life, but im stuck in this.... void that I can't get out of.Β 


It sounds like you're feeling overwhelmed by uncertainty about your future and struggling with your mental health while navigating your first year of college @Saint Satan. It's okay to feel scared and unsure when faced with such significant decisions and pressures.Β It's important to acknowledge that you're not alone in feeling this way. Many people experience doubts and fears about their academic path and life choices, especially during major transitions like starting college. Your mental health and well-being are super important and it's crucial to prioritize taking care of yourself during this time.

I am wondering have you considered reaching out to a counsellorΒ or mental health professional at your college to discuss your concerns and develop coping strategies for managing stress and anxiety?

Additionally, have you thought about exploring other interests or potential career paths that might align better with your current needs and desires? It's totally okayΒ  to reassess your goals and make adjustments along the way. Perhaps exploring different courses, engaging in independent learning, or even taking a break from formal education for a while could provide you with the space and clarity you need to make informed decisions about your future. But we can discuss these more at length on confidential support 1-1 if you'd like?Β 



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1 minute ago, Luie said:

It sounds like you're feeling overwhelmed by uncertainty about your future and struggling with your mental health while navigating your first year of college @Saint Satan. It's okay to feel scared and unsure when faced with such significant decisions and pressures.Β It's important to acknowledge that you're not alone in feeling this way. Many people experience doubts and fears about their academic path and life choices, especially during major transitions like starting college. Your mental health and well-being are super important and it's crucial to prioritize taking care of yourself during this time.

I am wondering have you considered reaching out to a counsellorΒ or mental health professional at your college to discuss your concerns and develop coping strategies for managing stress and anxiety?

Additionally, have you thought about exploring other interests or potential career paths that might align better with your current needs and desires? It's totally okayΒ  to reassess your goals and make adjustments along the way. Perhaps exploring different courses, engaging in independent learning, or even taking a break from formal education for a while could provide you with the space and clarity you need to make informed decisions about your future. But we can discuss these more at length on confidential support 1-1 if you'd like?Β 

I would like to discuss it more 1-1 if possible.Β 

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