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So my supposedly ‘best friend’ is always telling me what to do and she’s expects me to do it. Whenever I get a higher test score than her, she’s never happy for me and is always trying to argue with me. Recently, I’ve come to the point where I can’t take it anymore but I’m too scared to say anything because I don’t want her to hate me. I can’t say anything to my other friends because they might tell her and she’ll confront me and fall out with me. She always threatens me with any photos or secrets she has of me that she’ll spread to people. I don’t know what to do

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Hi LeeLee2611,


This may be hard to hear, but this girl does not sound like a friend at all. Friends are supposed to be happy for your successes and support you and empower you. If she is threatening to share your secrets or photos then this is entirely unacceptable and I would tell someone either at school or in your family.


Do your other friends have similar issues with her?


It can be really scary to end friendships but I really believe that you would be happier without this person in your life. Often people like this, they feed on the attention that you give the situation, so I would try just ignoring her messages for a while and devoting more time into your other friendships instead. It's often really hard to know when to walk away, it takes a lot of strength but it does pay off!


I hope this helps, let us know how it goes - give these articles a read, they are about how to know if a friend is really a friend and a support guide on how to cope when it feels like friends are bullying you. >> https://www.ditchthelabel.org/are-th...est-otherwise/,



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My other friend doesn’t seem to get it as bad as me. I go to school with her in the morning and do almost everything with her. I’m getting tired of her making up all of the plans and expecting me and my other friend to always join. I don’t know what to say to her. My other friends sit with her at lunch so I don’t know what to do there. I don’t know if any of my other friends from outside the friend group would want me to be with them

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Hey LeeLee,


It's always worth approaching the other group and asking if they would like to hang out.


Do you think you would ever be able to talk to the girl and let her know you feel a bit unsupported in the friendship? Maybe she doesn't realise that she is being quite negative and controlling. Sometimes when people feel insecure they can form negative bonds with people close to them.



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I’ve talked to her about it today. I’m no longer going to school with her and I have approached another person to stay with in the morning. My mum has gotten involved and asked my teacher for me to move away from her. I don’t think this will stop her from being controlling. I don’t think that anything will

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