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A loved one passes and the funeral is today


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Hi guys...

This is really hard to talk about. This morning I'm going to the funeral of a man who was like an older brother to me. He was riding his motorbike around our country and cane off his bike somehow and rolled onto the other side of the highway and was run over by a firetruck. He was rushed to hospital but bled out. 


The funeral is going to be so hard. But on the same hand I'll finally be able to accept and believe and find closure about what's happened. I broke down when I heard the news. 


Don't know what else to say except that want to wake up from this nightmare.

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Hi there, @Horseygirl.

I am truly sorry for your loss, I understand how death can tear us apart. You really aren’t alone, we care about you so much, you can cry, vent about what you are feeling. Please know you’re heard and welcome to use this space to help yourself grieve through this awful time. 

I am sending you and your family so many hugs. Have you got anyone who you could talk to and maybe get a hug of them? Your feelings are valid and especially during such a stressful time. I understand the feelings/emotions of loosing someone who is like a brother to you. I won’t go into detail but I lost my grandad this year, and it’s been months since and I still haven’t recovered. 

Recovery from these situations, will take time. I am of course not trained to help, but I have been in your position before. But of course, like I mentioned above, you are not alone, whatever you feel in the next coming days, weeks months etc is valid. You can always talk 1-2-1 with the amazing @Digital Mentor who are here for you. 

if you would like to talk to someone to distract yourself, you can always join my club I made on here and we can chat about anything! Or even if you don’t want to text, we can post gifs to one another. Honestly, you are in my prayers and I hope that you are ok right now, the best you can be. You’re not alone, hugs 🫂.


ps. I’ll colour you in a horse, hope you’re ok 🫂

Edited by Megs-
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6 minutes ago, Megs- said:

Hi there, @Horseygirl.

I am truly sorry for your loss, I understand how death can tear us apart. You really aren’t alone, we care about you so much, you can cry, vent about what you are feeling. Please know you’re heard and welcome to use this space to help yourself grieve through this awful time. 

I am sending you and your family so many hugs. Have you got anyone who you could talk to and maybe get a hug of them? Your feelings are valid and especially during such a stressful time. I understand the feelings/emotions of loosing someone who is like a brother to you. I won’t go into detail but I lost my grandad this year, and it’s been months since and I still haven’t recovered. 

Recovery from these situations, will take time. I am of course not trained to help, but I have been in your position before. But of course, like I mentioned above, you are not alone, whatever you feel in the next coming days, weeks months etc is valid. You can always talk 1-2-1 with the amazing @Digital Mentor who are here for you. 

if you would like to talk to someone to distract yourself, you can always join my club I made on here and we can chat about anything! Or even if you don’t want to text, we can post gifs to one another. Honestly, you are in my prayers and I hope that you are ok right now, the best you can be. You’re not alone, hugs 🫂.

Thank you so so much. Honestly when I first got the news, I broke down. I think my mum might give me a hug if I asked for one. I would love to join your club. I don't know how to join clubs so is there an invite link or something? 


Thank you so much for being here for me. I seriously appreciate it ❤️❤️

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Just now, Horseygirl said:

Thank you so so much. Honestly when I first got the news, I broke down. I think my mum might give me a hug if I asked for one. I would love to join your club. I don't know how to join clubs so is there an invite link or something? 

Thank you so much for being here for me. I seriously appreciate it ❤️❤️

Of course, I’ll invite you now! A hug sounds amazing, do you feel comfortable going to ask for a hug from her? I am here until I fall asleep, you’re not alone ❤️

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4 minutes ago, Horseygirl said:

Thank you so so much. Honestly when I first got the news, I broke down. I think my mum might give me a hug if I asked for one. I would love to join your club. I don't know how to join clubs so is there an invite link or something? 

Thank you so much for being here for me. I seriously appreciate it ❤️❤️

Also wanted to say that you are allowed to take time out and allow yourself to grieve. Always here for you ❤️

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  • Digital Mentor
This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Blood/Graphic Description, Death

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56 minutes ago, Horseygirl said:

Hi guys...

This is really hard to talk about. This morning I'm going to the funeral of a man who was like an older brother to me. He was riding his motorbike around our country and cane off his bike somehow and rolled onto the other side of the highway and was run over by a firetruck. He was rushed to hospital but bled out. 

The funeral is going to be so hard. But on the same hand I'll finally be able to accept and believe and find closure about what's happened. I broke down when I heard the news. 

Don't know what else to say except that want to wake up from this nightmare.

Hi @Horseygirl,

I'm Duckie one of the support mentors. First of all I am truly sorry to hear about your loss. This sounds like a really important and loved person in your life and it is so unfair when these people are suddenly taken from us. Thank you for sharing this with us at such a stressful and overwhelming time in your life. Are you OK?

Have you been to the funeral already? If so, how was it? If you haven't been yet, what do you think would help you prepare for this emotional event?

We are here for you.


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17 minutes ago, Megs- said:

Of course, I’ll invite you now! A hug sounds amazing, do you feel comfortable going to ask for a hug from her? I am here until I fall asleep, you’re not alone ❤️

Thank you so much. Yeah I feel pretty comfortable. Also very sorry about the slow replies, I have short fake nails on as I'm practising having them on so I can get used to them and putting my contacts in with them as I'm going on a cruise for my 21st this year in December for 10 days to New Caledonia 

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Just now, Horseygirl said:

Thank you so much. Yeah I feel pretty comfortable. Also very sorry about the slow replies, I have short fake nails on as I'm practising having them on so I can get used to them and putting my contacts in with them as I'm going on a cruise for my 21st this year in December for 10 days to New Caledonia 

That’s absolutely okay, take your time 😊. Happy early b-day 😊

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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Blood/Graphic Description, Death

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7 minutes ago, Duckie said:

Hi @Horseygirl,

I'm Duckie one of the support mentors. First of all I am truly sorry to hear about your loss. This sounds like a really important and loved person in your life and it is so unfair when these people are suddenly taken from us. Thank you for sharing this with us at such a stressful and overwhelming time in your life. Are you OK?

Have you been to the funeral already? If so, how was it? If you haven't been yet, what do you think would help you prepare for this emotional event?

We are here for you.

Hi Duckie, lovely to meet you. 


I'm kind of okay. I guess it still hasn't hit me yet even though it's been almost 2 weeks...


I haven't been to the funeral yet. It's almost 7am here and the funeral will be held at 9:30. 

I feel like just sitting staring into space would kind of help, but also maybe listening to music. Every funeral is different so I don't grieve the same way so I honestly don't really know how to prepare...

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  • Digital Mentor
This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Blood/Graphic Description, Death

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3 minutes ago, Horseygirl said:

Hi Duckie, lovely to meet you. 

I'm kind of okay. I guess it still hasn't hit me yet even though it's been almost 2 weeks...

I haven't been to the funeral yet. It's almost 7am here and the funeral will be held at 9:30. 

I feel like just sitting staring into space would kind of help, but also maybe listening to music. Every funeral is different so I don't grieve the same way so I honestly don't really know how to prepare...

Maybe the funeral will be a good place to get some closure in a way. As sad and tragic as this is, you can sometimes find comfort in all the lives this guy touched and all the wonderful stories people will say about him. It is OK to take your time and grieve for as long as you need to. It sounds like this person was really important to you. Are you close with his family?


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Hey @Horseygirl, how did the funeral go? How’re you feeling today? Hope you’re feeling well, always here, hugs 🫂.

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