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anyone want to do a survival rp

alex_the_chill Β  Β 

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29 minutes ago, -Aussie- said:

*hears something outside**runs*


Kore: *Hears Azra yell* Crap- *Sprints back outside to see Alex being chased by a walker and puts bow up, taking aim next to Azra.

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Azra: *Hits walker with Hatchet*Β 

Where is your wepon Alex!

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*doesn't see Kore* Where the heck is Kore

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Here *gives axe* I don't know where she is. We split up earlier.

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48 minutes ago, alex_the_chill said:

where did you guys "banana split"? get it?

Kore: *Walks up and smacks the back of Alex's head* Im right here. Keep and eye on yourself you idiot.Β 

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Azra: Omg i get it.Β  Whats up Kore. Where did you go? DId you find anything helpful. I found Alex thats about it.

Edited by -Aussie-
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52 minutes ago, -Aussie- said:

Azra: Omg i get it.Β  Whats up Kore. Where did you go? DId you find anything helpful. I found Alex thats about it.

Kore: Alex? Helpful? Nah. Yeah theres some food back there. *Jabs thumb back to the building*

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5 minutes ago, Jinx said:

Kore: Alex? Helpful? Nah. Yeah theres some food back there. *Jabs thumb back to the building*

Azra: Haha, We should probably go get the food.

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Kore: Yeah *Turns and heads back for it* And dont let Alex eat it all this time!Β 

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Azra: Yes food Alex.

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i know what food is an- WAIT! I DID NOT EAT ALL THE FOOD LAST TIME!!

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Just now, -Aussie- said:

Azra: Yes food Alex.

Kore: *Facepalm*

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Just now, alex_the_chill said:

i know what food is an- WAIT! I DID NOT EAT ALL THE FOOD LAST TIME!!

Kore: *Huffs* C'mon quit delaying, we need somewhere for the two of you lazybones to sleep aswell

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Azra: *chuckles & Runs after Kore* Hey Wait up!

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Kore: *Waves hand dismissevly* Yeah yeah

(Hey guys im actually headed to bed, sorry, probably wont be back till monday)

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You would not know where we were if it weren't for me!

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i know where we are, we are by theeeeeeeeee, uhhhhhhhhhhh pizzza? place?

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Just now, alex_the_chill said:

i know where we are, we are by theeeeeeeeee, uhhhhhhhhhhh pizzza? place?

Omg You were running for your life- Wait *Ear twitches* I hear something

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