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lucy111 Β  Β 

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last year I came to the realisation I was bi. at one point I even preferred girls over boys. however I since started a birth control, and that coincided with me gradually not being attracted to girls. now I'm like was it a phase or is it these chemicals changing my brain chemistry. I'm not pressuring myself at the moment, however the issue is that last year I came out and now that I don't think I identify with the label I feel stuck.

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46 minutes ago, lucy111 said:

last year I came to the realisation I was bi. at one point I even preferred girls over boys. however I since started a birth control, and that coincided with me gradually not being attracted to girls. now I'm like was it a phase or is it these chemicals changing my brain chemistry. I'm not pressuring myself at the moment, however the issue is that last year I came out and now that I don't think I identify with the label I feel stuck.

Hey, that's really interesting.Β  I did a quick Google search myself and found some people are saying that birth control has had an effect on their sexual preferences.Β  I'm not sure if it is true or not, but either way I can see how it's confusing to see your orientation possibly shift at the same time you started the birth control.Β  I assume someone prescribed you it?Β  I'm wondering if that is something you would feel comfortable asking your doctor about next time you see them.

You mentioned you feel stuck since you came out last year.Β  Know that you have no obligation to update people on your sexual orientation if you feel you aren't sure still.Β  You probably already know that, but I'm hoping hearing it from someone else too can be reassuring.Β πŸ™‚


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