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n*des got leaked

yeatontop111 ย  ย 

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i'm almost 13, a girl and i took sexually explicit pictures. just because i felt pretty that day. then somehow they get uploaded to my pinterest, which is my mistake by accident i dont know bow and my wntire school now has them. they arent complete nudes but they have me in just a bra and underwear and you can see my body and face clear and well. everyone is bullying me for it and even though i moved away from the country a couple weeks ago they still have them and everyone is spreading them. what should i do

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I'm sorry I just noticed this question and hope I can still help out.ย  I'm Catsup, one of the support mentors here and I'm sorry to hear you are being bullied online.ย  You definitely deserve to feel safe online and not deal with the bullying that has been going on.

Is the bullying happening on Pinterest, or is it on other places on the internet too?ย  We are trusted flaggers with different social medias and can help with reporting abusive online content.ย  Youย can email us at support@ditchthelabel.org with screenshots of the bullying.ย  Please do not include the nude content, but showing usernames, the conversation, and the social media platforms can be very helpful for reporting.

Since it has been a while since you posted this, do you have updates?ย  And how are you doing?



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