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Black mail


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A guy added me on snap and asked if I want to trade and I did it bc I didn’t think much of it and he recorded them but it didn’t say he did and I blocked him bc I got bored and then he made a different account and found my instagram and family and friend and says if I block him again he will send it to them as he recorded it he said if I send him nudes for a month he will get bored and block me and leave me alone and I don’t know what to do because I’m very traumatised 

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4 hours ago, Nika said:

A guy added me on snap and asked if I want to trade and I did it bc I didn’t think much of it and he recorded them but it didn’t say he did and I blocked him bc I got bored and then he made a different account and found my instagram and family and friend and says if I block him again he will send it to them as he recorded it he said if I send him nudes for a month he will get bored and block me and leave me alone and I don’t know what to do because I’m very traumatised 

Hi Nika, I can see that you are new here so I wanted to start off by saying a huge big welcome to our community!! It's good to have you here. I'm Aurora and I am one of the support mentors here and I give support and advice to those who reach out to us. 

Thank you for letting us know what happened to you. If you would rather talk about this confidentially then you can always send us a confidential message via the confidential tab at the top of the page and one of us support mentors will get back to you there.  I'm really sorry to hear that you're being threatened with your nudes and I can totally understand why you feel traumatised. Please know that none of this is your fault -  you were having fun and this person has completely abused your trust and that is not okay. I can imagine this is very stressful for you, but I just want you to know that you have come to the right place and we can help you. 


Firstly, if you would find it helpful, we may be able to have their Snapchat account removed. We're trusted flaggers, which means that we can contact Snapchat directly and ask them to have accounts or content removed. To do this, please send a link to your account and theirs with screenshots of the conversation where they threaten you to support@ditchthelabel.org. Please block out any of the nude content when you send this over.

Also, do you mind me asking, how old you are? This will help me to make sure that you get the right support. Please know that we are here for you and we can support you through this. 



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