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Why is our community hated on so much and people think it’s wrong to be lgbtq+ like any of that? Can someone please explain that to me? I literally had an argument with my friend because he was hating on it and saying it’s wrong and doesn’t believe in it or support it but he does support me. But like why do people think it’s ok to hate on us so much? Like we’re already getting enough of it. Why more? 

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A lot of people see being part of the LGBT community as a choice, when really it's not.  It's simply who you are.  People are often heavily tied to traditional views of sexuality and gender, and they don't like to see it challenged since it's what they grew up with.  That is my explanation, but it does not make homophobia and transphobia any nicer to deal with! 


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Hey @Catsup! I agree, because I just recently came out to my guy best friend who is homophobic and I didn’t know and I almost ended our friendship over him not supporting me and him thinking that being part of this community is wrong because of how he was raised as a Christian with god and his dad but now he is trying to support me but it’s not an easy process. 

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9 minutes ago, Emmerson said:

Hey @Catsup! I agree, because I just recently came out to my guy best friend who is homophobic and I didn’t know and I almost ended our friendship over him not supporting me and him thinking that being part of this community is wrong because of how he was raised as a Christian with god and his dad but now he is trying to support me but it’s not an easy process. 

Yeah, anyone including Christians can be accepting, but unfortunately yeah many people use tradition and religion as ways to limit how others live.  I'm sorry to hear your friend was not supportive at first, and I hope he is genuine in his support now!


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Little by little but he’s getting there. He really is trying because he knows how sensitive this topic is to me because of some things he said at the beginning when I first told him and some other things people have said too.

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ppl hate or fear things they find cringeworthy or incomprehensible; only some will react with curiosity. its an involuntary instinct of sorts that u feel a bit icky when it comes to brand new concepts that u dont immediately understand; but if u dont let this feeling dominate ur mindset and is willing to learn then everything will end up chill. as much as i dislike bigots; its still interesting to understand their perspective and the reason why they believe in the things they believe

i remember when i was bigoted toward certain parts of the community bc i simply didnt understand them but as i was educating myself my negative feelings wore off. i embraced them with open arms and even chose to identify with them now [xenogenders + neos]; character development good

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