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Ashton Ashly    

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7 minutes ago, Ashton Ashly said:

My name is Ash. please be nice to me, for I have social anxiety and ADD.

Hi Ash I hope you like it here. Also I love your profile picture. 

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46 minutes ago, Ashton Ashly said:

My name is Ash. please be nice to me, for I have social anxiety and ADD.

Elloooo, welcome to DTL! ^^ 

I'm Kai & my favorite color is red, wby?

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7 hours ago, Ashton Ashly said:

My name is Ash. please be nice to me, for I have social anxiety and ADD.

Welcome!!High Five Boom GIF by TipsyElves.com


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  • 2 weeks later...

@_Kai_ Hey Kai!! I saw that u followed me, thank you so much!! I followed u back, and I saw your "About you" profile thing, and I just wanted to say I love anime too!! Like, I'm obsessed with it lol, especially Bakudeku!! My profile pic is Bakudeku lol, and I currently also identify as polyamorous!! How cool!! My family says I could change my mind when I'm older though. I'm also questioning my sexuality. Also, I have a trans best friend, female to male!! My favourite colour is purple, but I'd say red is my 2nd favourite colour!! Also, your profile pic is AWESOME!! Anime is literally the best, video games are cool too. Plus we're both 13, so the same age! However I'll be 14 on the 9th April 2023, so idk who's a bit older and younger? Oh well I guess, that doesn't matter. I also found this site by doing quizzes haha, also I'm from England so I'm english, however I'm also a quarter Irish, part French and part German! Hbu? Sry if I'm coming across as overexcited/nosy lol, I just wanna know a bit more about u if it's not too personal, seeing as we're following each other.

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Adding bits.
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6 hours ago, Melissa M said:

@_Kai_ Hey Kai!! I saw that u followed me, thank you so much!! I followed u back, and I saw your "About you" profile thing, and I just wanted to say I love anime too!! Like, I'm obsessed with it lol, especially Bakudeku!! My profile pic is Bakudeku lol, and I currently also identify as polyamorous!! How cool!! My family says I could change my mind when I'm older though. I'm also questioning my sexuality. Also, I have a trans best friend, female to male!! My favourite colour is purple, but I'd say red is my 2nd favourite colour!! Also, your profile pic is AWESOME!! Anime is literally the best, video games are cool too. Plus we're both 13, so the same age! However I'll be 14 on the 9th April 2023, so idk who's a bit older and younger? Oh well I guess, that doesn't matter. I also found this site by doing quizzes haha, also I'm from England so I'm english, however I'm also a quarter Irish, part French and part German! Hbu? Sry if I'm coming across as overexcited/nosy lol, I just wanna know a bit more about u if it's not too personal, seeing as we're following each other.

Ellooo! I ship Bakudeku as well lmao

Ooo I'll be 14 August 11th, so your older TvT

I'm German, Cherokee, Scottish, Irish, British, & if it counts (I'm not sure if it does or not) American. I love getting to know people better as well so u don't come off as nosy at all 

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@_Kai_ Hi! Lmao we both ship them, I also ship KiriKami!! And kinda KiriBaku, TodoBakuDeku (polyamorous ship) too. Also, that's so many nationalities, and we're both Irish and German! That's cool! And being American does count, bc I said I'm English and I'm from England so it's still our nationality. I'm older, okie dokey, although tbf  that doesn't rly matter. And I'm glad I'm not coming across as nosy!

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@_Kai_ I have to leave for school now as it's currently 8:06am where I am, I've got a drama school trip today! I'll talk to u later if I get time 😁

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8 hours ago, Melissa M said:

@_Kai_ Hi! Lmao we both ship them, I also ship KiriKami!! And kinda KiriBaku, TodoBakuDeku (polyamorous ship) too. Also, that's so many nationalities, and we're both Irish and German! That's cool! And being American does count, bc I said I'm English and I'm from England so it's still our nationality. I'm older, okie dokey, although tbf  that doesn't rly matter. And I'm glad I'm not coming across as nosy!

I ship KiriKami as well, Irish & German twInsIeS


8 hours ago, Melissa M said:

@_Kai_ I have to leave for school now as it's currently 8:06am where I am, I've got a drama school trip today! I'll talk to u later if I get time 😁

Ooo, I think u might be home now possibly, how'd the trip go?

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@_Kai_ Yass u also ship KiriKami!! They're just awesome!! And yas, definitely Irish and German twins! Yh I'm home!! I got home a while ago haha, it's 8:36pm here, also the trip was awesome thx!!!!! 

PS: I just was wondering what the time zone difference between where u r and England (UK) is?

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5 hours ago, Melissa M said:

@_Kai_ Yass u also ship KiriKami!! They're just awesome!! And yas, definitely Irish and German twins! Yh I'm home!! I got home a while ago haha, it's 8:36pm here, also the trip was awesome thx!!!!! 

PS: I just was wondering what the time zone difference between where u r and England (UK) is?

Ooo idk what time it is for u now since that was 5 hours ago but rn (The USA, Pacific standard time) its 5:57pm 

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Ah okay! Right now here it's 7:29 pm. You posted that 17hrs ago so where I am it was 2:29am when it was 5:29pm where u are lol, I think, bc when it says 17hrs on here it could be 17hrs and 30 mins or smth and it doesn't specify. May I ask whereabouts u are in America so I can google it? Thx!

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13 minutes ago, Melissa M said:

Ah okay! Right now here it's 7:29 pm. You posted that 17hrs ago so where I am it was 2:29am when it was 5:29pm where u are lol, I think, bc when it says 17hrs on here it could be 17hrs and 30 mins or smth and it doesn't specify. May I ask whereabouts u are in America so I can google it? Thx!

O sure! Washington, Its in the Pacific Standard timezone👍

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1 hour ago, janiyah said:

Hey Kai do you think you can help me

I could try, what do u need help with?

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4 minutes ago, _Kai_ said:

I could try, what do u need help with?

How to make a bully stop being mean to me and if i beat them up will they stop

P.S. this is for my brother and he is a good fighter

P.P.S can you follow me

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@janiyah Hey Janiyah! I'm guessing by ur ps it's ur brother being bullied? I personally wouldn't advise beating them up because that could get u into a lot of trouble, however, as  someone who's had to deal with their little brother being bullied, if they hit him first, and you're confident no teachers are around, then u can hit them back, that's what I did, just be aware there could be some trouble there for u. If u don't want to risk getting in trouble, then I'd advise speaking to a teacher or a trusted adult about the situation and see if that helps. Make sure the bully knows that he is strong and won't let himself get upset by what they're doing, because then eventually they could see that it's not bothering him like they want it to so they'll stop. If they're bullying u, then I still advise the same thing. I hope this helps!

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@_Kai_ Hey Kai! Thank you so much for the info lol, I believe, from what I've seen on google, u are 5hrs behind from where I am! So when it's 10am here, it's 5am where u are.

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3 hours ago, Melissa M said:

@janiyah Hey Janiyah! I'm guessing by ur ps it's ur brother being bullied? I personally wouldn't advise beating them up because that could get u into a lot of trouble, however, as  someone who's had to deal with their little brother being bullied, if they hit him first, and you're confident no teachers are around, then u can hit them back, that's what I did, just be aware there could be some trouble there for u. If u don't want to risk getting in trouble, then I'd advise speaking to a teacher or a trusted adult about the situation and see if that helps. Make sure the bully knows that he is strong and won't let himself get upset by what they're doing, because then eventually they could see that it's not bothering him like they want it to so they'll stop. If they're bullying u, then I still advise the same thing. I hope this helps!

Thank you

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