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I'm not sure if im bi or lesbian

mirsonka Β  Β 

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Since i was in the UK most of my life I've been getting used to my friends and when I was about in the 4th grade I realised I was bi, and I'm not sure when this happened but i got a bf, and when it was art class we would get paper and write but notes in them and i kept them in my pockets until i had to move, I sadly threw them away but It's been about 3-4 years since i moved and in those 3 years i told myself that I'm lesbian but the pastΒ  3-2 months I've been getting this weird feeling for a boy and I'm not sure if I'm in love or not, I cant imagine being a couple, guys please help me I'm really confused

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im just reading some new topics on this site.

Everyone with their own problems..

I think you just don’t really be worried about it, time will tell you and you will find out.

Just explore what you like :)

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