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This is a few questions I have

-Aussie- Β  Β 

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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Self-Harm

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Is snapping a rubber band on your wrist a form of self harm? If it is what are the affects of do it? This is not for me but I know someone who does it and they have Like a red ring around their wrist alot so I was just wondering and worried about what it is doing to them.

Edited by -Marra-
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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Self-Harm

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6 hours ago, -Marra- said:

Is snapping a rubber band on your wrist a form of self harm? If it is what are the affects of do it? This is not for me but I know someone who does it and they have Like a red ring around their wrist alot so I was just wondering and worried about what it is doing to them.

Hi there, this is Catsup, a support mentor here.Β  I can see why you might be worried about self harm in this situation, and it is good you are looking out for this person here and seeing if it is a concern.Β  Β Some people have used rubber bands that way before to break habits.Β  The bad news about it is that it can cause some physical harm even if it is not severe.Β  It would be important for the person doing this to understand the reason and be seeking help.

Has this person ever explained why they use the rubber band?Β  And do you know if they are getting any help?


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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Self-Harm

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49 minutes ago, Catsup said:

Hi there, this is Catsup, a support mentor here.Β  I can see why you might be worried about self harm in this situation, and it is good you are looking out for this person here and seeing if it is a concern.Β  Β Some people have used rubber bands that way before to break habits.Β  The bad news about it is that it can cause some physical harm even if it is not severe.Β  It would be important for the person doing this to understand the reason and be seeking help.

Has this person ever explained why they use the rubber band?Β  And do you know if they are getting any help?

They never told me about the rubber band and they don't even know that I know about. I want to ask them about it but I am afraid they will just change the topic or ignore me. I know that they are not getting anything type of help and I know they have self harmed before. I really don't know what to do and any help would be appreciated.

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That sounds very stressful and I would encourage you to reach out to them and let them know you are worried, or reach out to an adult (for example a school counselor), who might be able to help them.Β  Even if this person does not react the way you would hope them to, it is still important for them to get help.

I will mention that I am newer to this forum and want to give the help, so I will also be letting the other support mentors know that you are worried about this person.Β Β 

How does this all sound to you?


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10 hours ago, Catsup said:

That sounds very stressful and I would encourage you to reach out to them and let them know you are worried, or reach out to an adult (for example a school counselor), who might be able to help them.Β  Even if this person does not react the way you would hope them to, it is still important for them to get help.

I will mention that I am newer to this forum and want to give the help, so I will also be letting the other support mentors know that you are worried about this person.Β Β 

How does this all sound to you?

I am going to see if I can talk to him after school (We go to different schools). He has told me that he self harmed and that's a big thing so maybe if I ask him about this he will tell me and I can try to get him help in some way.

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12 hours ago, -Marra- said:

I am going to see if I can talk to him after school (We go to different schools). He has told me that he self harmed and that's a big thing so maybe if I ask him about this he will tell me and I can try to get him help in some way.

Hi, that sounds like a good plan and I think that while it is a hard topic to bring up, you can show that you care and are concerned.

Did you end up having that conversation?Β  If you did, how did it go?


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1 hour ago, Catsup said:

Hi, that sounds like a good plan and I think that while it is a hard topic to bring up, you can show that you care and are concerned.

Did you end up having that conversation?Β  If you did, how did it go?

we did and he told me alot of stuff that i did not know about (I Won't share cause it personal) But we talked and we found ways I can help him. He said he would try and talk to someone but for now he just wants to talk to me about stuff. Which i am happy he is willing to talk to me and i am not going to force him to talk to someone yet if he does not want to.

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On 2/13/2023 at 9:03 PM, -Marra- said:

we did and he told me alot of stuff that i did not know about (I Won't share cause it personal) But we talked and we found ways I can help him. He said he would try and talk to someone but for now he just wants to talk to me about stuff. Which i am happy he is willing to talk to me and i am not going to force him to talk to someone yet if he does not want to.

Hi that sounds positive and I am glad he can turn to you to talk about things!Β Just to check, are you concerned at all about him doing something to harm himself again?Β 

If so, it is always okay and sometimes necessary to get him professional help.Β  If you are not too worried about him at this time, I think it is great you are being a friend to him!Β  Feel free to talk to us here anytime if you have more questions or just want to talk about anything at all.Β πŸ™‚


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42 minutes ago, Catsup said:

Hi that sounds positive and I am glad he can turn to you to talk about things!Β Just to check, are you concerned at all about him doing something to harm himself again?Β 

If so, it is always okay and sometimes necessary to get him professional help.Β  If you are not too worried about him at this time, I think it is great you are being a friend to him!Β  Feel free to talk to us here anytime if you have more questions or just want to talk about anything at all.Β πŸ™‚

I don't think he will at the moment but that doesn't mean he won't but I trust him when he says he won't/Will not try to.

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26 minutes ago, -Marra- said:

I don't think he will at the moment but that doesn't mean he won't but I trust him when he says he won't/Will not try to.

I'm glad to hear that!Β  I just want to add that It can be hard sometimes supporting someone else through their mental health, so do take care of you too, and know we are here. :)


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1 hour ago, Catsup said:

I'm glad to hear that!Β  I just want to add that It can be hard sometimes supporting someone else through their mental health, so do take care of you too, and know we are here. :)

yeah i really do need to focus of my mental heath to like a lot i get too caught up in helping other i forget about my self.Β 

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