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Someone threatens to leak my nudes


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Someone is threatening to leak my nudes and is saying that I am wanting nudes from a minor, but she said she was 18 and I am 18 and I just sent them today, is this blackmail illegal?

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10 hours ago, champion said:

Someone is threatening to leak my nudes and is saying that I am wanting nudes from a minor, but she said she was 18 and I am 18 and I just sent them today, is this blackmail illegal?

Hi @champion, I can see that you are new to the community so I wanted to say a big welcome. I'm glad you found us. I'm Aurora and I am one of the support mentors here at Ditch the Label.

Thank you for reaching out and letting us know what happened. I'm really sorry to hear that you're being threatened with your nudes. I would imagine that this must very stressful for you, but I just wanted to reassure you that you have come to the right place and we can help you. Do you mind telling me a little more about what happened? This will help me to figure out how I can best support you. What would be helpful is if you can let me know where this happened (eg Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram etc) and what they are blackmailing you for (eg do they want money)? You mentioned that they are saying that you wanted nudes from a minor but they said they were 18. Did it say that in their profile or did it come up in conversation? Also, can I ask if you have blocked the individual?



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