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Friends a depression..


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I had always been a career oriented. Through out now I had tried way hard for every thing I have today. Now, I am in my college. Everything was going fine as I was having online classes through out my 1st year and then started my 2nd year offline. I packed my things and shifted to my hostel and there I met some friends. It was great to be with them. We all used to laugh together and have fun. But then we had our semester exams and as a career oriented person I took them seriously and make myself into my books and again everything went fine. But then again we all have exams and slowly slowly I noticed a change in there behavior and i felt that they only talk to me when they need something or they need me. That makes me sad to question myself and feel like what I do wrong? I didn't know that. Now I am all alone have no one to talk and relate to. I feel depressed now help me please.... 

Edited by Bhavni
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14 hours ago, Bhavni said:

I had always been a career oriented. Through out now I had tried way hard for every thing I have today. Now, I am in my college. Everything was going fine as I was having online classes through out my 1st year and then started my 2nd year offline. I packed my things and shifted to my hostel and there I met some friends. It was great to be with them. We all used to laugh together and have fun. But then we had our semester exams and as a career oriented person I took them seriously and make myself into my books and again everything went fine. But then again we all have exams and slowly slowly I noticed a change in there behavior and i felt that they only talk to me when they need something or they need me. That makes me sad to question myself and feel like what I do wrong? I didn't know that. Now I am all alone have no one to talk and relate to. I feel depressed now help me please.... 

Heyy @Bhavni, I am Luie, one of the support mentors with Ditch the Label.  I want to firstly welcome you to our platform, glad to have you join us on community 😄

I am sorry that you've been experiencing low mood  for a while due to the changes in friend dynamics and the time commitments. I admire your courage to reach out for support and help, because I know how it can be tough . Just to let you know that this is a safe and non-judgemental space for you to share what's on your mind, you have mentioned quite a few things which we can unpack together, but before doing so, I want to check with you if you'd like to continue speaking on community here or message us on the confidential support (next to blogs in the top bar of this page) ? We do provide one to one support there so you can talk more in detail. 

We are here for you. 

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