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books with queer rep recommendations?


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can you guys recommend me any books with lgbt+ rep of any kind? i'm trying to read more books with queer characters/experiences, no matter the genre :) however any book recs with trans or nonbinary characters are highly appreciated too! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

ive been waiting for this one, theres a whole list. Happy reading!

-the scapegracers duology by HA Clarke

-the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

-Witches of Ash and Ruin by E Latimer

-These witches dont burn duology by Isabel Sterling

-Darkest part of the forest by Holly Black

-Hani and Ishu's guide to fake dating by Adiba Jaigirdar

- the henna wars by Adiba Jaigirgar

-She drives me crazy by Kelly Quindelin

-The chosen and the beautiful by Nghi Vo

-Improbable magic for cynical witches by Kate Scelsa

- pretty much any book by A.R. Capetta

- pretty much every book by Shaun David Hutchinson

-A curse of roses by Diana Pinguicha

-last night at the telegraph club by Malinda Lo

-all our hidden gifts duology by Caroline O´Donoghue

-we contain multitudes by Sarah Henstra

-from dust, a flame by Rebecca Podos

-the midnight lie (I've only read the first book but ig it's a duology) by Marie Rutkoski

-house of hollow by Krystal Sutherland

-girl, serpent, thorn by Melissa Bashardoust

-one last stop by Casey Mcquinston

-the scorpion rules duology by Erin Bow

-Jay´s gay agenda by Jason June

-the ruthless lady's guide to wizardry by C. M. Waggoner

-perfect on paper by S Gonzales


-hot dog girl by Jennifer Dugan

-some girls do by Jennifer Dugan


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8 hours ago, emnma said:

ive been waiting for this one, theres a whole list. Happy reading!

-the scapegracers duology by HA Clarke

-the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

-Witches of Ash and Ruin by E Latimer

-These witches dont burn duology by Isabel Sterling

-Darkest part of the forest by Holly Black

-Hani and Ishu's guide to fake dating by Adiba Jaigirdar

- the henna wars by Adiba Jaigirgar

-She drives me crazy by Kelly Quindelin

-The chosen and the beautiful by Nghi Vo

-Improbable magic for cynical witches by Kate Scelsa

- pretty much any book by A.R. Capetta

- pretty much every book by Shaun David Hutchinson

-A curse of roses by Diana Pinguicha

-last night at the telegraph club by Malinda Lo

-all our hidden gifts duology by Caroline O´Donoghue

-we contain multitudes by Sarah Henstra

-from dust, a flame by Rebecca Podos

-the midnight lie (I've only read the first book but ig it's a duology) by Marie Rutkoski

-house of hollow by Krystal Sutherland

-girl, serpent, thorn by Melissa Bashardoust

-one last stop by Casey Mcquinston

-the scorpion rules duology by Erin Bow

-Jay´s gay agenda by Jason June

-the ruthless lady's guide to wizardry by C. M. Waggoner

-perfect on paper by S Gonzales

-hot dog girl by Jennifer Dugan

-some girls do by Jennifer Dugan

holy smokes thank you so much!!!! you are literally my savior 💕🤲

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cinderella is dead i have read- main character is lesbian

I was also told 27 hours is a gay novel


For trans books i have read gracefully Grayson but i though it was an extremely poor written- Grayson deserved a better storyline/ writing


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  • 1 month later...

I read the percy jackson series a few months back. Two of the characters are gay. However, the movies suck and the queerness comes in after the first five books. (there are fifteen books total, each part having a different protagonist.)

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  • 7 months later...

Ok, recently have been reading more books with queer rep.

Iron Widow- polyamorous rep

Girls of paper and fire- sapphic romance (very triggering topics though)

Tegan and Sara: Junior High- covers discovering your sexuality

Even though I knew the end- Sapphic romance

We are the ants- Found this one on a list of books banned in texas, those lists are full of jems

Light from uncommon stars- AMAZING BOOK, ONE OF MY FAVOURITES, Sapphic romance and a strong transgender character.  this book has aliens and deals with the devil and violins SO GOOD

Sing you home- Sapphic romance and talks a lot about LGBTQ+ rights

Youngbloods- Sapphic romance+ other queer characters, although they are only mentioned briefly

Crier's war- THIS ONE IS ALSO REALLY GOOD Sapphic romance (enemy to lover, my favorite)

Sara J Maas series, throne of glass has a bit of queer rep, the occasional same sex couple, and later a pansexual character, though two other main characters gave me a vibe, idk, but i've been hearing not so good stuff about the author, scared this might go down like "she who must not be named"

Girl Mans Up- sound sexist, but is a goo novel about identity


I'll add more as I find, some of these books deserve to be a lot better known


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