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Life Sucks

Bella_the_book_lover Β  Β 

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I feel so bad today. I woke up in a fine mood but I feel like everything has gone downhill from there. I don't want to go back to school tomorrow. So many bad things have happened to me this weekend. My online friend was offline for a week, and on Friday night I found out she tried to overdose. She's okay, luckily, but it hurt me to think that she would just leave me like that. I finally started talking to her again, and suddenly she's gone a lot. I get worried about her. I know she has support now, but it's still hard to think of what she could do with nobody there for her. She didn't even tell me she thought about committing last time, so how do I know she would tell me again, even though she promised? And I also feel really jealous because she's hanging out with her guy friend, and I know for a fact he likes her and she might like him back. I don't want him to steal her from me, especially now that I just got her back!! It's not her fault we can't hang out in person, but when I see or hear her with other people, I get really sad, because she's like my best friend and I can't even hang out with her. A dark cloud has fallen over me and I don't even know why anymore, it's gotten out of control. It could be the Sunday blues, but I feel like it's more. I don't know what I feel anymore. I don't want to die, but I don't want to be alive either.Β 

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8 hours ago, BookLover7654 said:

I feel so bad today. I woke up in a fine mood but I feel like everything has gone downhill from there. I don't want to go back to school tomorrow. So many bad things have happened to me this weekend. My online friend was offline for a week, and on Friday night I found out she tried to overdose. She's okay, luckily, but it hurt me to think that she would just leave me like that. I finally started talking to her again, and suddenly she's gone a lot. I get worried about her. I know she has support now, but it's still hard to think of what she could do with nobody there for her. She didn't even tell me she thought about committing last time, so how do I know she would tell me again, even though she promised? And I also feel really jealous because she's hanging out with her guy friend, and I know for a fact he likes her and she might like him back. I don't want him to steal her from me, especially now that I just got her back!! It's not her fault we can't hang out in person, but when I see or hear her with other people, I get really sad, because she's like my best friend and I can't even hang out with her. A dark cloud has fallen over me and I don't even know why anymore, it's gotten out of control. It could be the Sunday blues, but I feel like it's more. I don't know what I feel anymore. I don't want to die, but I don't want to be alive either.Β 

Hey there,

Thank you for sharing how you're feeling with us. It sounds like you're feeling pretty overwhelmed at the moment, and that's okay. Feelings aren't permanent and this will pass, but it might not seem like it now. The best thing to do is to keep on being open so that others can help you and support you through, so I'm glad you found the strength to share this with us.Β 

I'm wondering, do you feel safe at the moment? If you don't then it's okay to tell us as we can help you to stay grounded and as calm as possible. If it does start to feel like too much and you need to talk to someone immediately, you can find aΒ list of worldwide crisis lines:Β https://www.befrienders.orgΒ to call if you're feeling on the edge and need some emotional support. Remember, you can always call the emergency services as well if you feel like you might end it.

I hope to hear back from you soon. Take care and stay safe.Β 



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3 hours ago, Monsoon said:

Hey there,

Thank you for sharing how you're feeling with us. It sounds like you're feeling pretty overwhelmed at the moment, and that's okay. Feelings aren't permanent and this will pass, but it might not seem like it now. The best thing to do is to keep on being open so that others can help you and support you through, so I'm glad you found the strength to share this with us.Β 

I'm wondering, do you feel safe at the moment? If you don't then it's okay to tell us as we can help you to stay grounded and as calm as possible. If it does start to feel like too much and you need to talk to someone immediately, you can find aΒ list of worldwide crisis lines:Β https://www.befrienders.orgΒ to call if you're feeling on the edge and need some emotional support. Remember, you can always call the emergency services as well if you feel like you might end it.

I hope to hear back from you soon. Take care and stay safe.Β 

I feel safe. I think I'd never commit, especially since my best friend almost did and I know how much pain that causedΒ me. But I'm actually just a little jealous because my friend is spending a lot of time with a guy and I see these posts where they are like hanging out and stuff and it makes me jealous. Not jealous because she has a guy in her life but jealous because I don't want him to steal her from me! I try to be happy for her, but because me and her are a long-distance friendship, I get even more jealous because I see her hanging out with him in person and I can't even do that! I know we can't help that we live far apart, but it still hurts a little.

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3 hours ago, Bella_the_book_lover said:

I feel safe. I think I'd never commit, especially since my best friend almost did and I know how much pain that causedΒ me. But I'm actually just a little jealous because my friend is spending a lot of time with a guy and I see these posts where they are like hanging out and stuff and it makes me jealous. Not jealous because she has a guy in her life but jealous because I don't want him to steal her from me! I try to be happy for her, but because me and her are a long-distance friendship, I get even more jealous because I see her hanging out with him in person and I can't even do that! I know we can't help that we live far apart, but it still hurts a little.

Hey Bella,

I'm glad to hear that you feel safe. I'm wondering, just before we get into it, would you like to fill out a safety plan? This is just a back up really if you start to feel suicidal and it will help you to get through it. All you have to do is answer these questions here; what do you think? Once we've done that as a back up, we could then talk more about how you're feeling about your friend if you'd find that helpful.Β 


  • What I need to do to reduce the risk of me acting on the suicidal thoughts:
  • What warning signs or triggers are there that make me feel more out of control?
  • What have I done in the past that helped? What ways of coping do I have?
  • What I will do to help calm and soothe myself:
  • What I will tell myself (as alternatives to the dark thoughts):
  • What would I say to a close friend who was feeling this way?
  • What could others do that would help?
  • Who can I call:
  • A safe place I can go to:



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1 minute ago, Monsoon said:

Hey Bella,

I'm glad to hear that you feel safe. I'm wondering, just before we get into it, would you like to fill out a safety plan? This is just a back up really if you start to feel suicidal and it will help you to get through it. All you have to do is answer these questions here; what do you think? Once we've done that as a back up, we could then talk more about how you're feeling about your friend if you'd find that helpful.Β 

  • What I need to do to reduce the risk of me acting on the suicidal thoughts:
  • What warning signs or triggers are there that make me feel more out of control?
  • What have I done in the past that helped? What ways of coping do I have?
  • What I will do to help calm and soothe myself:
  • What I will tell myself (as alternatives to the dark thoughts):
  • What would I say to a close friend who was feeling this way?
  • What could others do that would help?
  • Who can I call:
  • A safe place I can go to:

Sure, I'll fill that out.

1. I need to talk to people that I know can help me so I can get out of that mindset.

2. Warning signs I have are just feeling miserable, unwanted or overwhelmed.

3. I have took some time for myself, like listening to music, reading, writing, and just self-care.

4. I will mostly just spend time for myself.

5. I'll tell myself that no feeling lasts forever and i'll think of the positives in the situation

6. I would tell them that there are people that do care about them and that they will be okay and that feeling won't last forever

7. Others could just be there for me because when I talk to people it helps me feel better

8. I can call my best friends, my parents, my grandparents, or if need be I can talk to a teacher

9. I can go to my room or I can spend time outside.


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On 9/26/2022 at 6:00 PM, Bella_the_book_lover said:

Sure, I'll fill that out.

1. I need to talk to people that I know can help me so I can get out of that mindset.

2. Warning signs I have are just feeling miserable, unwanted or overwhelmed.

3. I have took some time for myself, like listening to music, reading, writing, and just self-care.

4. I will mostly just spend time for myself.

5. I'll tell myself that no feeling lasts forever and i'll think of the positives in the situation

6. I would tell them that there are people that do care about them and that they will be okay and that feeling won't last forever

7. Others could just be there for me because when I talk to people it helps me feel better

8. I can call my best friends, my parents, my grandparents, or if need be I can talk to a teacher

9. I can go to my room or I can spend time outside.


Thanks for filling out the plan so quickly. If you ever start to feel wobbly and like you might do something to harm yourself, remember this plan.Β 

Also, I totally get why you're hurting about your friend. It can be hard when there is a change in a friendship in the sense of how much time you have for the each-other, and it's completely normal to feel jealous. I'm wondering is there something you feel would be helpful to do in order to make the situation better?Β 


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