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Not able to deal/handle toxic parents


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Hey guys, 


So I need some tips. I've just had yet another argument with my dad, and because of him, my mum got involved and had a go at both of us. (When I say had a go, i just mean her yelling her frustration). The argument started because I asked him who did the dishwasher and who put everything away because someone had put cooking spoons etc in the pots n pans drawer. He said he didn't know and I left it at that. I was then talking to myself at medium volume about how nothing was put away in the right place. He then had a go at me (yelled) saying to be quiet because he didn't know and he didn't want to hear it. My mum was on the phone to her friend, and I kept saying at medium volume "Leave me alone please and stop talking to me" to my dad. He wouldn't stop, and kept yelling over the top of me saying "OH (my real name) PLEASE STOP ALREADY!" And so because of that, my mum said to her friend on the phone that she had to go and then I got into trouble as well as my dad, but mainly me because its 'THEIR' house, which yea I respect, but when you have 2 toxic parents going off at you, things go damn downhill. I feel like my mental health is suffering because of my dad. He's not only toxic, but he's also SUCH a negative person, he is NEVER positive, he NEVER says 'I'll try', his attitude is always 'i can't do that, so i'm not even going to try'. I'm just so lost what to do. My best friend got into a car accident (She's okay!) but she doesn't have a car right now until her new car comes, so she can't drive over to see me, and her boyfriend lives half an hour away so he probably wouldn't drive her to my house. 


I just need advice. I'm SO tired of having arguments with my dad turning around and all of the negativity being dumped on me. It isn't fair since I did nothing wrong at all, yet again, I'm in trouble. And please don't worry, I'm okay, but I'm getting sick of my mum saying that I had better be quiet or she'll 'backhand' me. Again, please do not worry, i swear i am in absolutely no danger at all, and if i were, i would absolutely tell someone. 


Thank you for any tips/advice you guys, I'm so freaking happy to be a part of this community, because I've always got someone i can talk to, and it means the absolute world to me, so thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. <3

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I understand everything your going through. Honestly, I'm in the same boat. I feel like I'm not good enough for my dad and his gf. I had a fight with my dad just today. This morning he says that he is tired of my bs. And that his gf doesn't want me to be down at his place. Then, he says "I'm getting to that point and this is the point." then he has the guts to say that I'm not his child. Not to mention my mental health keeps going downhill. But my dad does end up hitting me because "I'm talking back and being disrespectful." I don't  know what to do now. So I feel ya.

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1 minute ago, Non-Binary Person Here said:

I understand everything your going through. Honestly, I'm in the same boat. I feel like I'm not good enough for my dad and his gf. I had a fight with my dad just today. This morning he says that he is tired of my bs. And that his gf doesn't want me to be down at his place. Then, he says "I'm getting to that point and this is the point." then he has the guts to say that I'm not his child. Not to mention my mental health keeps going downhill. But my dad does end up hitting me because "I'm talking back and being disrespectful." I don't  know what to do now. So I feel ya.

oh my gosh im so sorry!!!! If there's anything i can do to make you feel better, let me know. I'm always here if you need someone to talk to :) 

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It feels weird to actually open up and tell people what happens at home but it also feels nice.

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I know how you feel. For ages I was scared to talk about the arguments etc because I didn't want people to make a BIG deal over it, but yea it feels good to finally open up about these things 

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I've always been scared to open up and say how I feel. I don't remember what I was doing when I found this site, but I'm glad I did. It's really helping me get things off my chest I would never ever say out loud.

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