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What gear should I get for my service dog? :D

Maxine G    

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I've decided that it's the time of year where I treat me and my service dog Steve to some new gear! Gear is the different types of harnesses and vests service dogs wear, and there's lots of different cute and themed sets! Would love everybody's input on what they think we should get. So you have some idea of what Steve looks like, he is a Red Tri-color Australian Shepherd. 

I'll add the links below to our favorite options as numbered dot points, and then you can comment your favorite number :D 

  1. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1248960579/custom-embroidered-y-front-harness?click_key=d9a8ac1a96b8280ea6ddb5a5c6d2a8dd7a6c3c56%3A1248960579&click_sum=06187603&ref=shop_home_recs_1&crt=1
  2. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1282030095/service-dog-in-training-vest-sr-vest?click_key=235b4308db90ad2bd6d2b64e0890dc5831683548%3A1282030095&click_sum=03378103&external_collection=NzcwMDQxMzV8NjM3NjExMTkz
  3. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1222417459/purple-saddle-harness?click_key=ca109ac1c81927ece755426417657953aa3ae628%3A1222417459&click_sum=91015ca6&ref=shop_home_active_14&frs=1
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