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I just had various pictures of me leaked and I dont know what to do. I sent them a while ago to a bf I had (now ex) and they were just sent back to me and sent to different friends of mine from a random "new" insta account. Im a minor and the pictures were token ruffly a year ago ( was still obv a minor). I dont know how to go about this and its really messing with my mind, please help lol 

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Hi @urmom, welcome to the Community. I’m Aurora and I am one of the support mentors here at Ditch the Label. I give advice and support to those who reach out to us. Thank you so much for sharing what’s happened to you. I’m really glad you found us. Firstly, let me reassure you that none of this is your fault! It sounds like either your ex-boyfriend (or someone else) broke your trust by sharing your photos with others. And that is not OK! You mentioned that you are a minor. Do you mind me asking how old you are? Also, would it be OK if you can clarify if any of the photos were nude photos of you? I get the impression they are from what you’ve written. But I just wanted to check if this is the case as it would mean that the person who posted your photos has committed a criminal offence. Have you reported this to the police or anyone else? Please know that we are here for you.



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12 minutes ago, Aurora said:
13 minutes ago, Aurora said:

Hi @urmom, welcome to the Community. I’m Aurora and I am one of the support mentors here at Ditch the Label. I give advice and support to those who reach out to us. Thank you so much for sharing what’s happened to you. I’m really glad you found us. Firstly, let me reassure you that none of this is your fault! It sounds like either your ex-boyfriend (or someone else) broke your trust by sharing your photos with others. And that is not OK! You mentioned that you are a minor. Do you mind me asking how old you are? Also, would it be OK if you can clarify if any of the photos were nude photos of you? I get the impression they are from what you’ve written. But I just wanted to check if this is the case as it would mean that the person who posted your photos has committed a criminal offence. Have you reported this to the police or anyone else? Please know that we are here for you.

i am 16 and they were nudes. 


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13 hours ago, urmom said:

I just had various pictures of me leaked and I dont know what to do. I sent them a while ago to a bf I had (now ex) and they were just sent back to me and sent to different friends of mine from a random "new" insta account. Im a minor and the pictures were token ruffly a year ago ( was still obv a minor). I dont know how to go about this and its really messing with my mind, please help lol 

Hey have you heard of childlike? They can support you with removing them from the Internet:)!

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  • Digital Mentor
15 minutes ago, urmom said:


Thank you for clarifying. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Does anyone else know and do you have support around you? And can I just check if you have reported this  to the police or anyone else? If you haven't, is that something you might consider doing.? It is a criminal offence and you are protected by law . That means that you wouldn't get into trouble with the law, just the person who posted these photos of you. It probably  feel like a big step to report it (if you haven't done so already) and I'm wondering if there is someone who could support you with this. Is there maybe an adult you trust (maybe your parents or someone else in your family), who you can ask for help? 


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