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How can I stop myself from thinking of self harm and suicide

Somebody eles    

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Thank you for reaching out to us. I’m one of the digital mentors here and I give advice to those who reach out. It’s really good that you have managed to stay safe for nearly a year afterwards. What do you think has helped you to do this? To help keep you safe, you can fill out a safety plan which helps you to stay grounded when you’re having those thoughts and gives you a clear plan of action if you’re feeling like you might take your life. Would you like to fill it out below and let us know what your answers are? Also, I just want you to know that although it may seem hard right now, this feeling might pass, and you’ve been strong enough to stay with us for all this time, and you can trust yourself to keep going. We are here for you.

1) What do I need to do to reduce the risk of me acting on the suicidal thoughts? 

2) What are the warning signs or triggers that make me feel out of control? 

3) What have I done in the past that helped me feel calm? What ways do I have to cope already? 

4) What will I do to stay calm and soothe myself?

5) What can I tell myself as alternatives to the dark thoughts? What are more helpful thoughts to have? 

6) What would I say to close friends feeling this way? 

7) What could others do to help?

8) Who can I call if I feel unsafe? 

9) What’s a safe place I can go to? 




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I haven’t been that strong as have been back in hospital a few times since but nothing quite as serious. I took a massive overdose last time and really thought that, that would be enough and it very nearly was. So this last have been looking at ways that  have a higher success rate.  I would like to trust myself, but sometimes my bad thoughts and unpredictableness happen together and that scares me


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4 hours ago, Somebody eles said:

I haven’t been that strong as have been back in hospital a few times since but nothing quite as serious. I took a massive overdose last time and really thought that, that would be enough and it very nearly was. So this last have been looking at ways that  have a higher success rate.  I would like to trust myself, but sometimes my bad thoughts and unpredictableness happen together and that scares me

Thank you for getting back to me and being willing to share more about your experience. I'm wondering, can you tell me more about how it feels for you when you think of taking your own life? Also, I want to check, have you made a plan to take your own life? It's okay to tell me if you have. We want to help you move forward, and being open is the best way forward.  Once I know you're safe, we can talk more about helping to move you forward. Just incase you need it, here is some safety information if you are in crisis: 

  • UK - The Samaritans: 116 123 (24/7 service)
  • USA - NSPL: 1-800-273-8255
  • A list of worldwide crisis lines: https://www.befrienders.org
  • An app I can recommend: https://www.prevent-suicide.org.uk/find-help-now/stay-alive-app/ this has safety plans to make sure you don't harm yourself and you might find it useful. 
  • If you’re in the UK, you can text SHOUT to 85258 when you are struggling, and a trained crisis volunteer will text you back. This is great if you find talking on the phone challenging, and it’s completely free 24/7



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It feel like a relief, to know that the way I feel has an end, almost comforting in away.  The bit I don’t like is not being able to be open about, it always comes as a shock to everyone cause I seem to be doing better and I know I will never a closure that will be acceptable to them. 
how I honest can I be?? Like can u trace me some how??

when I tried to tell people my thoughts or plans b4, I’ve ended up with the police or ambulance at my door. Because of extensive history they always go a long the lines of sectioning, what has never helped. 
All because I’m thinking it doesn’t mean I’m going do it, if that makes any sense 

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11 hours ago, Somebody eles said:

It feel like a relief, to know that the way I feel has an end, almost comforting in away.  The bit I don’t like is not being able to be open about, it always comes as a shock to everyone cause I seem to be doing better and I know I will never a closure that will be acceptable to them. 
how I honest can I be?? Like can u trace me some how??

when I tried to tell people my thoughts or plans b4, I’ve ended up with the police or ambulance at my door. Because of extensive history they always go a long the lines of sectioning, what has never helped. 
All because I’m thinking it doesn’t mean I’m going do it, if that makes any sense 

Yeah, I get what you're saying around how just because you're thinking about it doesn't mean you're going to do it. You can be open with us, and if you prefer, you can talk about this with us confidentially. You can click the confidential support tab at the top of the page, send a message, and get back to us. What do you think? Also, I'm wondering would you like to fill out the safety plan and let me know what your answers are? 


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