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I am so confused right now .. whether i am bi or not .. or its just in my mind .. like i do like masc girls .. nd i like guys too .. bt is it just a phase .. or am i really bi .. this is soo fucking confusing.. 

If anyone can discuss with me or help.. it would be great ! 

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

Hey @Stark Welcome to the Community. 😀

I am Daisie a Community Warden here on the forums and I wanted to drop by and send you a warm welcome. I wondered whether you'd find chatting to one of our Trained Digital Mentors helpful? I will tag them in so you know who they are and so they can reach out. @Monsoon & @Aurora

Our Community is filled with lots of amazing, supportive members who often share their experiences and what helped them. So hopefully this can help you too. 😊




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Welcome to the DTL community. I'm one of the digital support mentors here and I give support to those who reach out to us. It's totally okay to be confused about your sexuality and I just want you to know that it won't always be like this; you will figure it out one day, but I appreciate that it might be hard to acknowledge that right now as this journey can be pretty challenging. I'm wondering, what do you think would help you to find your answer? 


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