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my online bf


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So, I've been dating this guy for about a week now and we've ?known? each other for about a month and a half. And I don't know if he's fake. I mean his Instagram doesn't look fake, and he will be here in a week. But he hasn't sent me a live picture and that is what gets me. But, why would he be willing to come out here? Idk I just need some advice please? Thank you!

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Hey Audrey,


That's strange that he hasn't sent a picture or anything. He could be shy but still, I'd want to know that he is who he says he is.

Have you tried using apps like FaceTime? myself and my partner were a long distance relationship for a while, but before we met I made sure that he was who he said he was.


Where are you meeting if you don't mind me asking? When I've met people for the first time I've always made sure it was in a safe public area :)


You'll get better advice when one of the moderators are online, but I would say maybe try again to call with him or something, or maybe ask him why he won't show himself before you meet?



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Heya AudreyBlack78!


I'm really thankful you've reached out! A week is not far at all, and you're right in making sure you know what to expect.


Have you guys spoken on the phone? Does he know you're worried that you're being catfished? What about a video chat?


Mariumi brings up a great point-- make sure that your first meeting is in a public space. And let someone know that you're meeting him (when and where, and organize to text them to let them know you're ok).


Is he expecting to stay with you? Or does he have his own accommodation?


I really hope it's a positive experience! Please keep us updated!





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