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Revenge Porn

Jennylyn M    

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Hello everyone, 

I’m new here. My name is Jen and I was recently a victim of Revenge Porn. I don’t really know how to cope with this as this was done my ex boyfriend of 1 year. He had hacked into my accounts, replaced my password and had posted them there without my consent. On top of that he had also created group chat with my family members and sent it to them. I was devastated. We had contacted his University and they have done nothing. I have also reported it to the police but nothing. I guess what I’m trying to ask is how to I get closure from this knowing that he didn’t or hasn’t gotten what he deserves? 

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1 hour ago, Jennylyn Managa said:

Hello everyone, 

I’m new here. My name is Jen and I was recently a victim of Revenge Porn. I don’t really know how to cope with this as this was done my ex boyfriend of 1 year. He had hacked into my accounts, replaced my password and had posted them there without my consent. On top of that he had also created group chat with my family members and sent it to them. I was devastated. We had contacted his University and they have done nothing. I have also reported it to the police but nothing. I guess what I’m trying to ask is how to I get closure from this knowing that he didn’t or hasn’t gotten what he deserves? 

Hi there, welcome to the Ditch the Label Community 🙂. I'm so glad you have found us. I'm Aurora, I'm one of the support mentors here and I give support to those who reach out to us.

First of all I wanted to say that I am so sorry this has happened to you and that your trust has been completely broken! Not just with your ex boyfriend but also with the University and the police. None of this was in anyway your fault. Do you mind me asking how your family and friends have reacted? Do you have anyone who is supporting you through this?

On a more practical note, have you contacted the Revenge Porn Helpline? They can give you lots of practical advice. Here is their website https://revengepornhelpline.org.uk They can support you through the practicalities of getting contents removed and advise you on the legal practicalities. How does that sound? 

Please know that we are here for you! 

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