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Hey CuteBadAss!


I'm really glad that you're recognizing how you're feeling... but now comes the part of figuring out "why" you're feeling that way. I can tell you don't want live feeling this way.


Why do you think your academics are suffering? Have you spoken to your teachers about things that have been hard for you?


How old is your sister? Can you talk to your parents about how you feel about getting in trouble for what she has done?


How do you feel about your scars? It sounds like people care about you and may be worried for you, when they see your scars. How would you like people to bring up your scars? What would you prefer they say about them?




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Hey CuteBadAss,


At 16, it seems like it may be time to start building healthy conversation with your sister. Here's some tips:




What happened with your friend? You said, before, that she 'might' be mad at you... did you find out if that's true?




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Hey CuteBadAss,


I'm sorry to hear that your friend said something you feel hurt by!


Have you thought about bringing up how you feel, with her? If she's your best friend, do you feel the friendship is worth making better?


Have you you read this article?






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Hey CuteBadAss,


I'm so glad that your relationship is better! Did you guys have a good talk about how you can have a good friendship? Would love others to hear how that conversation went. What kind of things do you usually fight about?


I'm sorry you've been feeling like you want to die. How are you feeling, now? I think I remember you mentioned that you go to counseling, have you spoken to your counselor about these feelings?




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We just kinda came back together....

We usually fight bc she gets jelous when i hang out w one of my other friends, and bc i get really high marks but hers are...down there...


I havent spoken to my therapist about it, but im planning to tell her everything (death and self harm) on Wednesday when i see her. I did tell my best friend and another friend who told me last week that she wanted to commit suicide and that she thinks shes stupid....



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Heya CuteBadAss,


I'm really glad you're going to talk to your therapist. Although you said you weren't planning to die by suicide, it's still important get to the root understanding of why you're feeling that way.


I'm really sorry to hear about your friend who shared she wanted to commit suicide. How did you respond? It sounds like your friend needs to get some real assistance.


Have you given your friend the phone number for the Suicide Hotline she can call?


Do you think she is immediate danger of hurting herself?




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No she isnt in immediate danger and she is getting help by the same person as me. Shes been going to her for 2 years more than me?

I told her that she is really important and im really proud of her having the strength not to do it and i told her how many friends she has that loves her


I couldnt tell my therapist today i was telling all the other shit and i spent 10 minutes crying so i didnt get the chance and anyway it feels stupid....



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Hey CuteBadAss,


Thank you so much for looking out for your friend. I'm glad to hear she is receiving help from a therapist. Caring for someone's life is always important. You're in a great position to recognize when other people need help, since you have recognized pain within yourself.


Was your session today helpful?




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