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An update on user bios and profiles


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  • Ditch the Label Staff

Recently we have had to warn a few users for sharing personal information in their user bio. I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everybody of our Community Guidelines - we do not allow sharing of any personal information; such as email addresses, social media handles, surnames, school names or any other information that may be used to identify you. This is to keep you and everybody else on our community safe. 

We understand that you want to have conversations in more private forums, which is why we allow for friendship groups to create their own private Tribes. We do not allow communication to evolve beyond this community as our moderators have no way of monitoring and keeping you safe.

If you have personal information in your bio or profile, I strongly urge you to remove it at your earliest convenience. Our moderators will be scanning profiles more frequently and we will now need to ban anybody in violation of our Community Guidelines.

If the abuse of user profiles and bios continues, we will be removing these features.

- Harper

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