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Advise for darius2022bleh!

ArtemisArt ย  ย 

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Hey @darius2022bleh!ย I was reading you about you thing and how you are confused about your gender, and have you considered you might not be male or female, but instead you might be non binary, a Demi Boy, or gender fluid???? Also it is very nice to welcome you to DTL and I hope you make lots of new friends here

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ye i was considering maybe gender fluid but like i don't know how to tell my mom i already came out as bisexual and she on the edge of homophobic like shes kinda comfortable but like she still like say things i don't want you to make a full decision on your sexuality or like your to young to know but thank you and your a really awesome person!

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Yeah I get that (not from personal experience but that of a few friends) and my suggestion would be that you do not have to tell her until you are ready, however if you can try and find a few friends that will support you and try new pronouns with them, and see if anything fits. ย If you ever need to talk about it this whole awesome community it here and if you ever want to talk to someone in particular put @ their name and they will get a notification like I did for you

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Yeah I get that (not from personal experience but that of a few friends) and my suggestion would be that you do not have to tell her until you are ready, however if you can try and find a few friends that will support you and try new pronouns with them, and see if anything fits. ย If you ever need to talk about it this whole awesome community it here and if you ever want to talk to someone in particular put @ their name and they will get a notification like I did for you and just remember, thirteen can be a confusing and complicated time (trust me I have been there and done that) and even if you are not certain of what gender you are now you have years ahead of you to figure it out, and if it is ok with you I will be using they/them pronouns for you until you know your preferenceย 

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Same here man same here

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thanks to your advice imma try he.theyย  and see where i end up dude you don't know how much i appreciateย  DLT

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Yay, this is an awesome websiteย 

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Trying to find homes for 10 baby rats

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Iโ€™ll post a picture on my blog when get homeย 

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