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asking for help


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I need urgent help. I am gay from Iraq. I am exposed to imprisonment or murder by my family, clan, extremist Islamic groups (armed militias) or by friends themselves. If this is considered a disgrace and cannot be accepted or tolerated if they find out about me, I will inevitably be killed by them. I am currently struggling so that no one finds out about me and because of that I do not have a relationship or look for a lover and this caused me depression and made me think about suicide more than once, so please stand with me and help me get out of my country I want to live in any country that protects gays and gives them rights and live the rest of my life Peacefully with whomever I want without fear, this is just what I want and nothing else

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

Hi Medo,

Our mentors can certainly help you with your mental health. Have you heard of an organisation called Rainbow Migration? They may be able to help you practically with your goal to safely leave Iraq. Their website is: https://www.rainbowmigration.org.uk/en.

I've also asked 2 of my colleagues to drop you a note, we'll do what we can to help you.

- Harper

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  • Ditch the Label Staff
5 minutes ago, medo833 said:

I need urgent help. I am gay from Iraq. I am exposed to imprisonment or murder by my family, clan, extremist Islamic groups (armed militias) or by friends themselves. If this is considered a disgrace and cannot be accepted or tolerated if they find out about me, I will inevitably be killed by them. I am currently struggling so that no one finds out about me and because of that I do not have a relationship or look for a lover and this caused me depression and made me think about suicide more than once, so please stand with me and help me get out of my country I want to live in any country that protects gays and gives them rights and live the rest of my life Peacefully with whomever I want without fear, this is just what I want and nothing else

Hi @medo833 I'm going to research some further organisations / sources of practical help and will share these with you.

I have also sent you a private message if you could check this.  

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5 minutes ago, Harper said:

مرحبا ميدو ،

يمكن لموجهينا بالتأكيد مساعدتك في صحتك العقلية. هل سمعت عن منظمة تسمى Rainbow Migration؟ قد يكونون قادرين على مساعدتك عمليًا لتحقيق هدفك في مغادرة العراق بأمان. موقعة على الإنترنت:  https://www.rainbowmigration.org.uk/en .

لقد طلبت أيضًا من 2 من زملائي إرسال ملاحظة إليك ، وسنفعل ما في وسعنا لمساعدتك.

- هاربر

Thank you all. I appreciate your standing with me

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

That's okay, I can't imagine how difficult things are for you right now, but we are here to support you.

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