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Hey @SadLifeSadMe welcome to the Community! 😊

Just wanted to pop a message and send you a warm welcome. I am Daisie a Community Warden here on the Forums, and I ensure the Forums remain a safe and positive space for all. 

We also have trained Mentors on hand should you need any support advice, I’ll tag them in so you know who they are! @Monsoon & @Blondie. I really look forward to seeing you around. 😀





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7 hours ago, SadLifeSadMe said:

@Daisie thank you! Can't wait to help out and share my story to people 

Hey there,

Welcome to our community. I'm one of the digital mentors here and I give advice and support to those who reach out to us. Would you like to share with me what's going on for you at the moment? 


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17 hours ago, Monsoon said:

Hey there,

Welcome to our community. I'm one of the digital mentors here and I give advice and support to those who reach out to us. Would you like to share with me what's going on for you at the moment? 

Mental health issues are not great at the moment :)

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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Self-Harm

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This is just kinda me venting/ranting

Trigger warnings: S/H, depression, panic attacks, breakdowns, friends, agere

Lately, I've been struggling with depression and BDD (Body dysmorphia). I recently have been more open to  my friends about how I feel and what's going on, but it seems that some of them don't care or don't want to help. There is one of my friends who has been incredibly supportive, so rn, I'm talking about everyone else. I told one of my best friends that I s/h a while ago. At first she was concerned, but now it feels like she just doesn't care anymore. At first, she was like checking my wrist and giving me hugs and stuff, but now she knows that I do it and doesn't say/do anything. She might get a bid mad at me, but that's it. I don't want to sound attention-seeking or clingy, I just kinda want her to be there for me and check in on me. And then I have another group of friends who also s/h and they just laugh it off. I mean that's what I do, so I don't want to be a hypocrite, but I only laugh off my own problems, I don't laugh off my friends' problems. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, because my friends are awesome, it's just that they didn't react how I wished they had.There was also one friend who was amazing, but sometimes I feel like she's too affected by it. I love that she cares and checks on me, but I'm starting to feel guilty for telling and worrying her. When she first found out, she left and had a full on panic attack. I then was like having a breakdown and thinking that I never should have told her. I tried to tell her to try to ignore it, but she's too kind. She just says that she's happier knowing that I'm not okay than not knowing. I'm starting to wonder if that's really the case or if she just doesn't want me to feel bad. I feel like it's kinda consumed our friendship, but also strengthened it at the same time. So in the end, I ended up ruining all of my friendships. It's actually funny because I'm such a good actor. My friends started thinking that I'm faking depression instead of faking being happy XD I guess I would call this a success.

Oh wait, I have another topic.

I also age regress, but I don't know how to or if i should tell my friends.

Edited by Ash1247
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2 hours ago, SadLifeSadMe said:

Mental health issues are not great at the moment :)

Hey there. I'm sorry to hear about your mental health. Would you like to tell me more about what's going on?


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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Self-Harm

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2 hours ago, Ash1247 said:

This is just kinda me venting/ranting

Trigger warnings: S/H, depression, panic attacks, breakdowns, friends, agere

Lately, I've been struggling with depression and BDD (Body dysmorphia). I recently have been more open to  my friends about how I feel and what's going on, but it seems that some of them don't care or don't want to help. There is one of my friends who has been incredibly supportive, so rn, I'm talking about everyone else. I told one of my best friends that I s/h a while ago. At first she was concerned, but now it feels like she just doesn't care anymore. At first, she was like checking my wrist and giving me hugs and stuff, but now she knows that I do it and doesn't say/do anything. She might get a bid mad at me, but that's it. I don't want to sound attention-seeking or clingy, I just kinda want her to be there for me and check in on me. And then I have another group of friends who also s/h and they just laugh it off. I mean that's what I do, so I don't want to be a hypocrite, but I only laugh off my own problems, I don't laugh off my friends' problems. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, because my friends are awesome, it's just that they didn't react how I wished they had.There was also one friend who was amazing, but sometimes I feel like she's too affected by it. I love that she cares and checks on me, but I'm starting to feel guilty for telling and worrying her. When she first found out, she left and had a full on panic attack. I then was like having a breakdown and thinking that I never should have told her. I tried to tell her to try to ignore it, but she's too kind. She just says that she's happier knowing that I'm not okay than not knowing. I'm starting to wonder if that's really the case or if she just doesn't want me to feel bad. I feel like it's kinda consumed our friendship, but also strengthened it at the same time. So in the end, I ended up ruining all of my friendships. It's actually funny because I'm such a good actor. My friends started thinking that I'm faking depression instead of faking being happy XD I guess I would call this a success.

Oh wait, I have another topic.

I also age regress, but I don't know how to or if i should tell my friends.

Hey Ash,

Thank you for sharing this with us. It sounds like you're going through a lot at the moment, and I just want to check, are you currently getting any support for your mental health? If so, how's that going? From what you've told us so far, it sounds like you have quite a mixed bag of friends in that one handles it really well, another has their heart in the right place but takes on too much of it, and the other checked in a lot at first but doesn't anymore. I saw what you said about how you've ruined all your friendships, and I'm wondering, can you tell me more about what you mean by that? 

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Hi, I just saw this, sorry. I just feel like it was simpler when they were just simpler friendships. Instead of talking about deep and depressing things, we would just make stupid jokes and be lighthearted, but now I feel like it's just a big mess. And yes, I'm in therapy and a school support group, they are going pretty well, ty! I feel like I don't want to stress them out more, like we're going into highschool, the school year's almost over. I just don't want them to have to worry about me when they have more important things to worry about. 

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What is age regression? ive never heard of that before and was curious. Ive been in your situation before with telling my friends. most laugh it off and so do I. Its a coping mechanism but not always needed or wanted. 

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21 hours ago, Ash1247 said:

Hi, I just saw this, sorry. I just feel like it was simpler when they were just simpler friendships. Instead of talking about deep and depressing things, we would just make stupid jokes and be lighthearted, but now I feel like it's just a big mess. And yes, I'm in therapy and a school support group, they are going pretty well, ty! I feel like I don't want to stress them out more, like we're going into highschool, the school year's almost over. I just don't want them to have to worry about me when they have more important things to worry about. 

Hey there,

I totally get what you’re saying about not wanting to worry them, but it sounds like they really care about you and want to help you through this, and that’s one of the things that friends are for. I’m wondering, what would you say a good friendship consists of? What are the different parts? 


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