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hello im liyah and i dont know how to come out to my parent so i searched up on the web on how to and i found this community and im glad i did because reading other people stories makes me want to come out but my mom i just dont wanna get rejected by herGIF by Sky

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

Hi Liyah,

Welcome to our community, I'm so glad that you're here to join us and that you found us okay. I know that our mentors and community will be able to give you plenty of support through this, so you really are in the right place. 

Harper :) 


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2 hours ago, Liyah said:

hello im liyah and i dont know how to come out to my parent so i searched up on the web on how to and i found this community and im glad i did because reading other people stories makes me want to come out but my mom i just dont wanna get rejected by herGIF by Sky

Hey @Liyah

Welcome to our community - I'm one of the digital mentors here, and I give advice and support to people who reach out to us. I'm glad that you found out community and I hope you're finding it helpful so far. I noticed what you said about not wanting your mom to reject you, and I'm wondering, do you think that's possible? If so, can I ask, what's happened to make you fear that? 


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  • Ditch the Label Staff

Welcome to the Community Liyah! 👋🏻
I am a Warden here on forums so if you have any questions feel free to give me a shout. 😊

Look forward to seeing you around. 😊



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6 hours ago, Daisie said:

Welcome to the Community Liyah! 👋🏻
I am a Warden here on forums so if you have any questions feel free to give me a shout. 😊

Look forward to seeing you around. 😊

Oh hey, you are so cool ..I mean the job looks cool.woahh...you go girl !

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Welcome, Liyah! 

23 minutes ago, Learning how to love mysel said:

Oh hey, you are so cool ..I mean the job looks cool.woahh...you go girl !

i agree. being a warden sounds epic!!

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13 hours ago, Liyah said:

hello im liyah and i dont know how to come out to my parent so i searched up on the web on how to and i found this community and im glad i did because reading other people stories makes me want to come out but my mom i just dont wanna get rejected by herGIF by Sky

Welcome liyah

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Hey! everyone i saw all the welcoming messages and i feel very safe and welcomed here i hope to soon be able to make friends here and share my stories well i have a short one to tell and my gf she broke up with me because she said i made her uncomfortable i then asked how and she said because i called her daddy then i looked back through all of our messages and there was no evidence of me calling her daddy i was confused but then i just guessed she wasn't comfortable with me thats when i became a little bit more confident about myself so i guess she kinda helped me 

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13 hours ago, Liyah said:

Hey! everyone i saw all the welcoming messages and i feel very safe and welcomed here i hope to soon be able to make friends here and share my stories well i have a short one to tell and my gf she broke up with me because she said i made her uncomfortable i then asked how and she said because i called her daddy then i looked back through all of our messages and there was no evidence of me calling her daddy i was confused but then i just guessed she wasn't comfortable with me thats when i became a little bit more confident about myself so i guess she kinda helped me 

Hey there,

Thanks for sharing :) 

It's a shame that your girlfriend broke up with you, but I'm glad to see that you then became a little bit more confident. I'm wondering, in what ways did you become more confident about yourself? :) 


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i became more confident about my school work and to speak up more i became more confident about what i text people for example i used to be scared that if i text this thing would they not wanna be friends with me anymore or would they see me differently but now i text people what i think as in if they arent comfortable with me i just say i wont be mad just tell me because i feel like of they keep holding it in it hurts them more 

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22 hours ago, Liyah said:

i became more confident about my school work and to speak up more i became more confident about what i text people for example i used to be scared that if i text this thing would they not wanna be friends with me anymore or would they see me differently but now i text people what i think as in if they arent comfortable with me i just say i wont be mad just tell me because i feel like of they keep holding it in it hurts them more 

Hey there,

It sounds like you've really reached a place where you feel more at peace and level-headed which is really lovely to hear. I'm wondering, what helped you to build your confidence? I think this will be really useful for our other members here to read :) 


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i guess what helped me was my friends the told me some positive comments about myself and i realized i cant stay in the dark forever they told me that i am a beautiful girl that doesen't need a girl to take care of me and they were right

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23 hours ago, Liyah said:

i guess what helped me was my friends the told me some positive comments about myself and i realized i cant stay in the dark forever they told me that i am a beautiful girl that doesen't need a girl to take care of me and they were right

Hey there,

Aww, that's so lovely of them to say; it sounds like you have really great friends :) 

How are you doing today? 


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