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How to increase my self esteem


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Hi! I'm Apples101 and I don't know what's wrong with me but sometimes I get suddenly sad and start thinking I'm ugly and that I don't belong in this world, I've tried asking my closet friends for help and whenever they try to help me by either saying that I'm not ugly or that I shouldn't hate myself so much I just don't listen, even if I want to I find it so difficult to believe them and after denying them over and over again I in the end just start crying and I'm really scared that one day they'll get tired of me and leave me. This happened today and I really don't want to lose my friends cause I feel closest to them and I really do love them so please help me

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Hey @Apples101

Welcome to our community. I think that it sounds like your friends are just trying to do their best to make you feel better, but I think that what you need is to just be heard and be able to talk about your feelings in depth. Listening is such a good intervention on its own, and I just want you to know that we are very good listeners here and you can talk to us whenever you like. I just want to check, are you feeling suicidal at the moment? I may be being overly cautious, but I just want to check after what you said about how you don't belong in this world. If you are feeling this way, please know that it's okay and that you will get through this. I just need to see if you're safe or not before we can talk more about what's going on for you. Speak soon.


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Hello @Apples101

I'm really glad to hear that you aren't suicidal. Can I ask, where do you think these feelings began? When we feel low about ourselves, these feelings can often start from an experience, or a number of, such as having a hard time at home, unsupportive friends, or being in an unhealthy relationship. By understanding where these feelings come from, it can help us to move forward and get to a better place. Speak soon. 


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Hey @Apples101

That's okay that you don't want to talk about it much here. If you like, we can talk about over private message if you're more comfortable with that?


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