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How can i survive?


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I am Andromeda (not my real name) a medical student 21 year old girl. What i really want to talk is how you can help me to boost my confidence. I have a really so low self esteem to the extent that i avoid meeting people as much as possible by preoccuping myself with studing only(i study more than 16hr per day).but this habit is killing me.when i am exposed to things that require confidence and talking like class presentation my talking skill is becoming worse and worse since i don't communicate to much through out the days. So what shall i do to improve?

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Hey @Andromeda

Welcome to our community. I'm one of the digital mentors here and I give advice and support to people who reach out to us :)

I'm sorry to hear that you have really low self-esteem. When you avoid meeting people, how come you think you do that? I know you've said low self-esteem, but what are you thinking and feeling when the opportunity comes around? 

Also, can I ask, have you tried anything to improve yet? If so, what have you done? Once I know this, I can then help you more. 

Speak soon. 


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I have tried getting a psychiatric help(for 2 weeks) but i didn't get better.overall i spend my time alone eating alone studying alone everything. i got easily nervous when i am around people and i feel like people don't want to spent time with me. Actually i feel secured and comfortable  when i am alone  but this behavior isn't good for my education (medicine) which requires a long communication skill for me to share what i have know and study. So what shall i do?

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Hey @Andromeda

Thanks for explaining more to me.

I noticed that you said about how you are studying for 16 hours a day. I'm thinking that this must be putting you under a lot of pressure and might be impacting your confidence and self esteem. It must be quite stressful for you. What do you think? With the psychiatric help, it's important to try these things for longer. It can take a long time to see benefit from psychiatrists and therapists, and the changes are often really small and you don't notice them straight away. 

When you say you feel like people don't want to spend time with you, can I ask, what makes you think that? Is there any evidence to back up that thought, or is it because you're just feeling bad about yourself? It's good to think more about the things we tell ourselves and wonder if they're true or not.

Speak soon, 


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To tell you the truth i feel happy and relaxed when i study. I feel like my life depend on studying if i spend a day without reading something i feel empty. For the psychiatric help you mentioned to stay longer it isn't because i don't like it but  because we have a busy schedule throughout the year so i have less free time. And the reason why i said people not like being with me is that one i don't have any friends and the other people mostly likes to share their problems with me and ask me to help them solve the problem (they say i am an understanding and kind person) but they don't want a long time relation with me maybe because i have boring lifestyle but i am not sure why

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I get what you mean about feeling empty if you spend a day without reading, but I wonder, is it just that the studying is your comfort zone? By preoccupying yourself with studying, although you like it, it might be better to challenge yourself to get out more and experience the discomfort of meeting new people. Do you know what I mean? It's so easy stay in your comfort zone, but we grow so much more when we come out of it. Also, when you say your life depends on studying, what do you mean?

I get why you feel like people don't like you, but I wonder if it's because you spend so much time studying that you don't give yourself enough time to make friends? I just find it interesting that people say you are understanding and kind, because to me, that shows me that they see good in you, which means they would probably want to get to know you as well. What do you think?

Also, with the psychiatric help, I know you're busy, but your mental health is just as important as your studying and busy schedule. Maybe you could try to make more time for it as it will probably help you :)


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