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hi im kailyn


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hi, my name is Kailyn, and I'm almost 14 years old. in school, I get bullied and intimidated because of my cricked teeth and my ADHD. I'm also treated ugly. I was called ugly to the point that I'm doubting myself. once I'm with friends or with other people, I'm considered ugly but once I'm with my family, they call me beautiful. and when I never know if I'm actually physically ugly cause every fucking time I ask someone, to tell the truth, they just say that I'm beautiful. no one wants to tell me my flaws! please help me.

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Hello there Kailyn,


Happy soon to be birthday. I'm so sorry you have experienced bullying, no one ever deserves it and it is never your fault. I want to let you know, you were only bullied because of their prejudice and not because of anything you have done. We all have flaws, but that isn't what other people see and so maybe the reason no one tells you that is because they genuinely don't see that in you and they do not think you are ugly. We all look differently and are unique which is a wonderful thing. Bullying can take a huge toll on our self esteem and make us have a lot of negative self speak. Try some of the tips in this article to help bring that up https://www.ditchthelabel.org/overco...w-self-esteem/ - I like to write myself positive affirmations and then stick them to my mirror to help me feel better, is this something you could try?


Some of the top models have gaps in their teeth and they are considered beautiful, having unique features is really interesting, maybe start turning the language you use around yourself into more positive things.


I think these articles may really help too.




Try to get out of the habit of letting other people validate your beauty, it's not the easiest thing to do, but if you actively start trying to love who you are and see your positives instead of your flaws then the power of positive thinking should start to have an impact.


Have you told anyone or reported any of the bullying, is it at school or online? We can support you telling someone if this is something you are interested in.



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Hello @kailyn


That will be because I don't think anyone is ugly. Society has trained us into thinking that there are ugly and beautiful people in this world but thats just not true. Everyone has beauty, everyone has different qualities they see in others and find attractive and everyone is different. Did you read over the article?


Why do you think you're ugly?



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