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Big oof


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Nothing serious. Just want to share my thoughts.

I started university and met this gorgeous girl. I keep meaning to ask her out, but still keeps getting in the way, or it doesn't feel like 'the right time', or other people are with us, or she doesn't come out with me for the evening.

The other night I was going to ask her out... lucky I didn't, she asked my friend out and my friend said yes. I'm not massively upset by it, but I guess I'm just disappointed? A little confused to. All my friends were VERY sure this girl liked me, she was showing all the typical signs, ya know? Ah well.

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Hey Marv,


Ahh man relationships can be so tough to navigate, it could be that she did like you too you know and it was just bad timing, or that girl got in first. It's your first year of uni so don't worry too much there will be plenty of time and opportunity for someone else to come along, just have fun and get to know folks for now. I am a firm believer of fate and if it was meant to be, it would have been!



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It's really lovely! I'm loving being by the sea and surrounded by countryside, hills and forest. Sometimes I can hear owls and birds of prey outside, it's so cool. Quite often, too, we can see the sun setting over the sea. It's quite cold here though haha, and I think Wales' weather is 90% rain, but that's okay.


I did have to move flats though yesterday. Me and my friend Eve have had issues with flatmates. They're nice people but when they're drunk they're absolutely terrible - throwing things, breaking stuff, leaving bottles and food everywhere, chairs everywhere and shouting at 3am. So we decided to move. Got ourselves a quiet house, lovely flatmates, all good now. So relieving.


How are you?

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Hey Marv,


I'm really good thank you, you paint such a beautiful picture of Wales, makes me want to go, the birds of prey sound awesome.


Ahh I know this kind of flatmate well, that sucks you should always respect the other people living in the house. But glad you found a house more suitable for you!



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