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Feeling really unattractive


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  • Ditch the Label Staff

@Hamdi. I'm so sorry you're feeling like this and I know how hard it can be especially when we are surrounded by what 'society' almost dictates about what is and isn't attractive. The truth is there is no one way to be attractive and we genuinely all have beauty. It does take work but we can gradually build our esteem and learn to love ourselves - and you absolutely deserve to love yourself and feel good.

What do you like about yourself? It can be absolutely anything.


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I dont think i like anything about myself. I dont think theres single great thing about my appearance. I really wish i looked normal. My one eye is smaller than the other and its very obvious. I didn't look like this before but since my flare from autoimmune illness, one of my eyes sunk deeper. I look like freak

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Hello @Hamdi.

I hear you are not liking your appearance. But I promise you not one of us is 'normal' there is no such thing, we are all different and we all look different. Life would be boring if we were all the same. Try to change your perspective, being beautiful isn't important, it is more important to be kind and be fullfilled.

Living life with an autoimmune disease must have it's challenges though and I really hear that.



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