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Afraid to go out


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Hi. I'm new here. I don't know my sexuality. Well, maybe in denial bcos afraid that my family might judge and discriminate me. Coz I know how they always tease me or sometimes saying that I should be straight or what. I find myself attracted to both genders but more on girls, but I still don't know why am I feeling this. I didn't tell this to anyone nor my bestfriend. I don't have the strength to share this to the people who am i close with. I just don't know. Anyways, hope to get along with others here.

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Welcome to our community.


This is a common feeling for those of us that are questioning our sexuality. Whatever you feel and who you are attracted to, it is who you are supposed to be and you can't change that. If you don't have the strength to tell anyone yet that's fine. You can't help that and you get to chose your pace and who you would like to tell and when. There is no rationale to our sexuality really, I like to think we are just born this way.


Welcome anyway, we are here for you and see you!



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