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How do I know what I am?


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I've been raised on the idea that men and women are supposed to be together, that being gay isn't natural or okay. My parents are the type of people that don't let us watch movies with gay characters because they don't want to "lead us in the wrong direction." Since middle school, though, I've had huge crushes on other girls. I've also had "crushes" on guys, but I think I made a lot of them up to hide my sexuality from my parents. I used to think I was bisexual, but for the past year or so I have only had interest in girls, so maybe I'm gay? I want to come out, I'm so tired of hiding my true self, but I'm just not sure what I am. Any advice?

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Hello @Leila2891


Welcome to our community.


Just to let you know - being gay, lesbian or bisexual is normal and lots of people identify somewhere on that spectrum.


What you are experiencing is very normal you are in the time where you are exploring and experimenting with your sexuality right now, which is a part of figuring out your identity and who you are.


It's okay to not be sure, and it's okay to take time to figure that out. Do you think you could talk to your parents about your sexuality, how do you think they would take it? Don't rush yourself, as I said earlier, we have come to identify sexuality as a spectrum so it can evolve, and take on new shape it doesn't always have to be rigid.


Does that make sense?



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