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Toxic friend

Lauren or Tom    

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I moved classes because of a toxic friend and now she's asking why. When I tried to explain to her why when she asked, I couldn't get my words out even though I had it all planned out in my head.

I feel so much better about the change.



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Hey Tom,


Well done for recognising a situation that wasn't good for you and making positive steps to changing it. You don't always owe someone an explanation from taking time from them and you may just not be ready to do that yet. Save yourself the emotional labour of having to reexplain everything.


You don't owe anyone an explanation for doing something that is best for you.



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Hey Remi,

I'm proud of myself for leaving though it's kind of hard as my 'friend' has good days and bad days as anyone would have but these moods hurt.

I told her as well why I left, she kept asking so it got to the point where I had to tell her. I didn't want to tell her as well.

I told her that her moods hurt me really bad. The look on her face as I said all this. She looked really depressed and she's already had some tough times over the past few months and I feel like I've made things worse.

I saw her this lunch sitting alone and she was slouched and did not look happy.

Like I said, I'm glad I moved and sort of glad that I told her but I knew that my 'friend' was going to take it hard. I feel really bad about it too.



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Hey there Tom,


Yeah thats hard to take, of course you wouldn't want to make anyone feel bad, thats totally understandable. You have to remember that they already have a lot going on, you are not the cause of their pain and it is just a really tough time for them right now. You could let them know that you still care about her and that you hope they are okay and that you are setting these boundaries for the both of you.


How does that sound?




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