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cyber bullying


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My daughter has been the victim of cyber bullying, the school and 1 of the parents will not do anything about it, Instagram say it doesn’t go against their policies so won’t take the page down. My daughter does not want to go back to school and is incredibly hurt and upset. What do I do now?

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Hi there @Tinkerbell

I assume you've had a word with the school? Or a teacher your daughter trusts?

I've never understood Instagram and its policies. Time and time again I've reported hurtful things and all I've got back is 'This doesn't violate Instagram's policies', and yet it does. It's so bizarre. I can advice that you report and block the user (which I'm sure you've done). If you really wanted to, you could make a brand new Instagram account. If you can, find someone in your school who will listen, there is usually someone who will.

How severe is the cyber bullying if you don't mind me asking?

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