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How do I decide my sexuality?


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Hello, so this question has been bugging me for a few months now, and I'm actually still little confused by this theme. A year ago, I was thinking I'm just a normal straight girl, but then one day I found that post about LGBT and I was like "What's this?" so I googled it and when I was reading about it, it was weird that some of those things suited for me.


I know I'm only fifteen, but isn't it normal to have some crushes or something in this age? Because some of my classmates are already dating and I don't know when it hapened. Now I'm a little confused because I realized, that never had a crush on someone. I know I want to be in relationship and I don't really care about gender, but... I don't know, whole this is a mess.


Is it possible for me to be demisexual and panromantic or something like that?

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Hello @Stygimoloch


Welcome to our community, we're happy you found us.


To start - there is no such thing as 'normal' I don't think i've ever met a 'normal' person in my life. ;) But yes 15 is a normal age to start developing crushes but there is no rush to, we are going to have our entire lives to date if we want to, or not date at all it is entirely your choice. I would say as you are still exploring your sexuality (which is really natural) that it is too early to label anything just yet. You are going into this with an open mind which is great.


Try not to worry there are so many people that don't identify as 100% heterosexual.



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Firstly, there is no rush. I was 18 when I got into my first relationship, which only lasted a few months. I learned a lot about myself very quickly. But, you don't need a relationship to work out, or get an idea of, your sexuality. And also, no one NEEDS the label - I think people just find it easier, or satisfactory to finally deem themselves a certain thing, eg: bisexual, lesbian etc.

I'm bisexual, but through my first relationship, i'm still wondering whether I may actually be lesbian. I'm just over four months away from 19 and I still don't know how to identify. But you know what? doesn't matter. As long as you know what you like then that's the main thing. At 15, I had no idea. I hadn't ever had a crush either. Not everyone knows their sexuality at 15, and that's fine.

You could well be pansexual/romantic, you could be anything. It can be hard to tell though when you haven't had crushes. Best thing to do, is read up on stuff. Don't go too deep into it though - there are A LOT of identification words, ones I still don't understand, but don't worry too much. You'll work yourself out as you get older. Read up on things, discover some stuff. Maybe, as you walk about in school or in public, see if you get attracted to anything/one in particular, or if you feel interested. You might not, which it totally fine too. I realised I liked girls A LOT just by walking around in public. You can learn a lot about yourself by not doing a lot.

But anywho, don't stress about it, don't over think it. You'll find out one day :)

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Thanks @Marv for answer, I really appreciate that you read my post and I think you're right. I know that trying to define what's "normal" is impossible, and somethings are just matter of time. I'm really busy with school and other things now, so I don't even have time to think about things like this. I guess I just panicked little when I learned that there are more possibilities than straight or gay ;D


Anyway, really thanks for help

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Thanks @Marv for answer, I really appreciate that you read my post and I think you're right. I know that trying to define what's "normal" is impossible, and somethings are just matter of time. I'm really busy with school and other things now, so I don't even have time to think about things like this. I guess I just panicked little when I learned that there are more possibilities than straight or gay ;D


Anyway, really thanks for help

I get that too. I had massive gay panic not long ago haha. It passes. And it's normal to be curious! Don't worry too much :)

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Hi, I have been questioning my sexuality for a few years. It keeps popping into my head and I try shrug it off because I don’t want to accept it/ and worried what others would think of me. So... I have always dated guys, but feel like it doesn’t end up working out.. and question would that be the same with a girl? At times I find myself fantasising about women, watch lesbian porn; and first thing I think of is intimacy with a women that turns me on.. and when I see women together I have very drawn and intrigued.

I have had one sexual encounter with a girl years ago but I can’t remenber how I felt about it.. but I had a little sense that this suited me. I got abit scared because she wanted a relationship, I wasn’t sure on that. So I’ve carried on having relationships with guys, don’t know if I am satisfied sexual with a guy, I duno if that’s because it didn’t work or because something in myself was missing.. I find myself thinking about being with a women sexually but I don’t know if I’m fantasising and if I would really act on it or not.. also another point is, my personality I am a Tom boy, play football, have a lot of boy mates and a few close girl mates (I know any girls can do this, but I find myself ‘’fitting to the stereotype‘’ of what someone who isn’t completely straight as a figure of speak) & also have had girls tell me I’m their type which has court me off guard and not know how to deal with that and just said I’m straight and laughed it off but I’m not sure if I am...Please could you help me on alittle advice, and if the vibe I’ve gave could suggest I’m bi or bi-curious, and if to act on it? Thanks😊

Edited by Rose1234
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Hey there @Rose1234


From our research, we know that a lot of us don't identify as 100% straight. If you have an attraction towards women and find women that you fancy and would consider getting with then yes you could be bisexual. This does not mean you have to act on it or do anything at all. But if you want to explore this a little further then GO FOR IT! You can just fantasize or you could go for it but the decision has to be yours. When a person you like comes a long you will know. Sexuality is so fluid and it's important to be open-minded which you already are. What you wear and your hobbies don't have anything to do with your sexuality these are just some stereotypes.


Is there any particular person you like right now?



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Yeah I kind of known for overthinking things, I'll just give it time and see.

Thanks for advice, I'm really glad I found this :)

hi, so im 14, so i understand kinda what happens when everyone's dating someone but you, i dated someone too early and that is so not good for you, tbh yes people our age should be developing crushes its our hormones, but don't rush into anything if someone pops up and says they like you or anything, it hurts in the end...

so try not to rush into anything... btw im in the same year level as people who r 15 so i know about this stuff well ig...

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Yeah I kind of known for overthinking things, I'll just give it time and see.

Thanks for advice, I'm really glad I found this :)

Yeah @IHATEME1478 you're right, I didn't dated anyone yet and I can't even imagine it now. It seems unnatural and all. 'Cause I see how people in my age are not taking it seriously and I know I would never wanted a "just for fun" relationship. I think it's about love, and at this age most teens aren't capable of this kind of strong feeling, so it's no point in it.

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Yeah I kind of known for overthinking things, I'll just give it time and see.

Thanks for advice, I'm really glad I found this :)

your right it does seem a bit unnatural and thats why people wait because most people dont take relationships seriously... love is hard for teenages to comprehend, some can comprehend it but others can't and so most people try seeking it out, like i did, i realise now that, that was a mistake and im waiting for the girl for me (Im lesbian btw) im capable of feeling love i just have to wait the opportunity to feel it.

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