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Hi I’m collette (fake name lol)


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  • Ditch the Label Staff

@collete4 Welcome! Let me be the first on here to tell you that you are NOT ugly! It takes work to change our mindset on this but keep at it as you are completely worth the time! :)


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@collete4 Welcome! Let me be the first on here to tell you that you are NOT ugly! It takes work to change our mindset on this but keep at it as you are completely worth the time! :)

Hwy there, finally found someone who understands my feelings. I have looks issues too. Let me tell u, it makes me feel insecures as hell. I couldnt get out in the public without feeling self concious. I think im stupid to want to be beautiful and not love myself. But i just cant help it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Ditch the Label Staff

@Beverly So many people can relate to this and even people you would expect to be super confident. What do they say? Loving yourself is an act of defiance! :)


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Hey Colette!


Body confidence is such a tricky subject, just know that you are not ugly.


A tip that I sometimes see thrown around is to look at yourself in the mirror each day/every couple of days and compliment yourself or say something that you like about yourself. It can feel a bit silly but I've heard positive things about this.


Sending good vibes your way! :-)



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