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Hello @arhan


All of these silly tests online don't mean anything. How can a computer guess our worth or our beauty? Please don't listen to these tests they are designed to make us self conscious and the only thing they can detect is facial symmetry. The truth is beauty is different for every single person - different people like different things and I don't think there is any such thing as a 1 kind of beautiful person.


Also you are 13 your body and face are still going to change so much but you are you so try to love what you are and what you look like as confidence is one of the most attractive qualities in a person.



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Firstly, I always go by 'don't believe everything you see on the internet', precisely for this reason; don't believe this. It's a dumb test that means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. You're not ugly. So what if you got 4/10 on it, does not mean you're ugly. You're not.

Everyone is totally unique and beautiful. Everyone. You're not ugly, I promise you. Sometimes, people think that a part of them is ugly, or they dislike a certain unique feature, or they think that a certain feature of their body isn't 'right' or that it's ugly because others aren't like that; nothing like that makes you ugly. It's just body confidence I suppose, which I will admit in this day and age with so many models and hacks and 'perfect bodies', it can be hard to have full confidence with your body. Truth is, we should all embrace our unique features and ourselves, because we're all unique and beautiful. So, never reduce your body, appearance, face, what ever, down to a silly online test. It isn't worth it and it isn't true.


I hope his helps. Sending lots of love. You're unique and beautiful.

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Thank you Marv!


You hit the nail on the head here - we are all unique and beautiful and if you compare yourself to other people that are nothing like you, you will never be able to match up to the bar that you set for yourself. Thanks so much for being so supportive to our other community members.



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