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How to come out?


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So I'm pretty sure that I'm a lesbian and I want to come out, but only to my dad, because in my family he's the one I have the closest relationship with, but I don't know how and I don't know how he'll react? Any suggestions?

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Firstly, you don't HAVE to tell anyone. You can keep it to yourself for as long as you wish, you have your whole life to tell people if you wish. I realised I liked girls at about 14/15, and didn't tell anyone this year, at 18.


There are a number of ways you can tell people:

- Text - dropping a text is good, because if you're scared of being face to face, texting isn't. You could drop a text while you're out the house so it gives him time to think about it if he wants to,

- Call - bit more involved with texting, but you're not there in person so I guess it's less scary

- Leave a note on paper

- Tell him in the car - nice environment, its usually calm

- Face to face

- On a walk - i told my mom on a walk, it was nice and relaxed and the conversation just sorta flowed naturally and slowly.


Whether you choose to tell him or not, good luck! and remember you don't have to. I hope it goes well :) <3

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Hey @Marv!

So thanks for the great advice. I did come out to my dad and it went very well! He accepted me the way I am and since he is a priest it went better than I hoped it would go. He told me that it was completely okay and since he had prior experience with people who are lesbian or gay than he took it very well. I'm just happy that I cold tell someone.


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